
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Did Jenelle Evans LIE about drinking while pregnant?!

 Well, the short answer is a big fat NO!  Jenelle Evans is probably the most scrutinized Teen Mom to date.  Her every move is watched and judged on social media, television, and in real life.  Recently, a report came out that Jenelle lied about when she found out about her pregnancy, and whether or not she intentionally drank knowing she was pregnant.  Jenelle visited a club in Philadelphia on October 18th, 2013.  Jenelle went to this club having no idea she was pregnant!  In fact, a close friend of Jenelle's tells us that Jenelle absolutely had no idea, and would have never gone to Philadelphia had she known she was pregnant.  She would have canceled just like she did with her event that was scheduled at UNCC for a speaking engagement.  If you look back through Jenelle's tweets, she clearly stated she was canceling her speaking engagement at UNCC for "physical problems".  She would have done the same with her Philadelphia appearance.  By the date of her boyfriend Nathan's fight on October 26, 2013, Jenelle DID know she was pregnant.  Several people who were with Jenelle at Nathans fight, stated that Jenelle drank water the entire time.  Jenelle's friends who attended the fight, all shared drinks together, while Jenelle sipped on water throughout the night, according to Nathans mom. 
The scene people are referring to when they say Jenelle knew she was pregnant BEFORE the Philly trip, is one where Jenelle and Tori are hanging out and looking at a pregnancy test.  What I CAN tell you, is that when you see the episode, all will make sense!  That scene, and that test had to do with Jenelle's abortion.   NOT with this pregnancy.
The moral of the story is; don't believe all the editing you see! Don't jump to conclusions until you know the full story!   Make sure to tune in to Teen Mom 2 when it starts in a few weeks!  

Source: Click Here

Momma Jenelle Postes Belly Bump

Jenelle has posted some pictures of her belly and we have exclusive pics to give you your first glance at Jenelle's cute little baby bump.  These were taken not long ago and it gives you an idea of how fast this little one is growing.  Can't wait to see more pics Jenelle!  You look absolutely beautiful! We are so happy to hear that she has find the right man and Jace loves him as a great dad..... To be someday....

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jenelle Evans Explains Nathan and Barbara's Fight in Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Trailer

Have you checked out the OMG-inducing preview for MTV's upcoming fifth season of Teen Mom 2? It looks flawless and perfect per usual, mostly thanks to Jenelle Evans and her never-ending parade of boyfriends. Jenelle got hitched to the one and only Courtland Rogers between Season 4 and Season 5, but it looks like Teen Mom 2 will skip over this drama-filled time in her life and focus solely on her relationship with MMA fighter Nathan Griffith, who she's been dating for the past six months.

Jenelle and Nathan are a match made in heaven, and Jenelle constantly tweets about how well he gets along with her mom, Barbara Evans, and her 4-year-old son, Jace. It seems like Nathan is a great influence in Jenelley's life, so you can imagine our surprise when he and Babs were shown arguing in the preview for Season 5!

In said preview, Nathan accuses Barbara of allowing Jenelle to get hooked on heroin, to which Babs muses, "F— you, I didn't put a needle in her arm!"

In the words of Fergie Ferg, where is the love? Fans were definitely confused by Barbara and Nathan's blowout fight, but fear not! Jenelle took it to Twitter to clear things up, explaining, "My mom just thought he was too good to be true at first, started arguing."

Wait, Barbara was so impressed by Nathan that she picked an argument with him, and then he accused her of playing a part in Jenelle's addiction? Sounds about right … by which we mean completely weird.

Either way, we can't wait for Jenelle and Nathan's relationship to be highlighted this coming season. Tune in on Tuesday, January 21 to see it all go down!

Kailyn Lowry Takes Attachment Parenting to the Extreme

Every mom experiences motherhood differently. But for some moms, those first couple of months with a newborn baby can feel like an ooey, gooey crush. All those hormones come crashing into your system and you feel like you cannot possibly get enough of your little one. That certainly seems like how Teen Mom's Kailyn Lowry feels about her new baby, Lincoln. Via Twitter today Kailyn confessed she can't bear to put Lincoln down after he falls asleep on her chest -- even though she's exhausted.

We know she probably could use a rest! But sometimes it's hard -- you know that newborn phase is only going to last a couple of months. It goes by so quickly. Sometimes you just want to soak it all up while you can. Kailyn can sleep later. Haha, actually, with two little ones now, I'm guessing she'll sleep again sometime in the year 2018. But she's probably up for that.

Seriously, though, I know just what she means about a baby falling asleep on your chest. That means you can smell those sweet baby smells, and feel that little body snoozing. It's about the coziest, most intoxicating thing out there. Swoon.

I also loved what she said about spoiling babies. "You can 'spoil' a baby before 4 months so soak it in while you can." I don't know about the arbitrary four-month mark, but I completely agree about spoiling babies. You don't need to teach a baby to self-soothe or be independent. It's all about bonding the best way you can.

Were you ever reluctant to put down your sleeping baby -- or were you eager to get something done or get some sleep yourself?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Leah and Jeremy No Divorce

We've been clutching our pearls ever since Teen Mom 2 Season 5's trailer hit MTV a few days ago. So. Much. Drama. Not only did the preview reveal that Jenelle Evans had a secret abortion, we found out that Chelsea Houska's still hung up on Adam ("Shocker!" said no one), that Kailyn Lowry and Jo Rivera got into another custody dispute, and that — wait for it — Leah Messer and her husband, Jeremy Calvert, almost got divorced!

Leah and Jeremy tied the knot in a down-to-earth courthouse ceremony on April 4, 2012 (they also had a formal wedding on June 11, 2012), which means they've barely been married for two years. You can imagine our shock when these two were seeing arguing about money during Teen Mom 2's preview, and you can imagine our horror when Leah was heard saying "he's going to file for divorce tomorrow!"

Suffering from heart palpitations? Join the club, but here's the good news. Jeremy most definitely didn't follow through with his sinister plans to divorce Leah — in fact, these two ended up having a baby together. Despite the fact that Jeremy had to leave his family for a work gig in Roswell, New Mexico, the whole crew are currently living happily ever after in West Virginia. And we have the tweets to prove it!

Shortly after Teen Mom 2's drama-filled new preview aired, Leah took it to Twitter to gush about her husband. " [Jeremy] and I are off to see Christmas lights with 5 wired kids," she tweeted on December 17. "Listening to kids Christmas favorites."

Leah also mentioned spending quality time with Jeremy a few days later, tweeting "Babies are sleeping, clean house, and now it's time to relax with my husband and family!"

There you have it! Leah and Jeremy are still very much in love — and thank goodness they got over the hump and can go back to doing what they do best: talking in accents so thick that MTV has to subtitle them.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jenelle Evans Gives a Pregnancy Update

While Teen Mom 2’s expectant mother, Jenelle Evans, might be struggling with her own domestic disturbance and “breach of peace” issues these days, her growing baby is resting calmly in its mother’s belly. The reality star took a trip to the doctor’s on Tuesday (December 17) to have her future daughter or son checked out (she’s yet to reveal the sex), and we’re glad to report that all is well!

“Update.. Doctors app yesterday. Baby is healthy and just bakin in there! He/she is starting to kick!!!!” she tweeted. This is a relief, considering all of the trauma that the unborn child and mother have been subjected to recently. Maybe the baby can give Jenelle a swift kick every time she gets close to trouble!

We are still concerned for the baby’s mama, however, as her recent arrest puts her in danger of heading back to jail for violating her probation. Being pregnant in prison won’t be good for mother or baby, and we’re hoping that her hard-working lawyer can work something out.

As for Jenelle and her boyfriend Nathan Griffith, we hope they too can work out their issues. According to a source, the twosome were fighting because Jenelle "she doesn’t think [Nathan] appreciates her enough." Whatever the cause of the dispute, the soon-to-be-parents need to settle this before their child comes into this world.

Are you happy to hear that Jenelle’s baby is doing well? Share with us below in the comments.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Trailer

It's official! MTV has confirmed the return of Teen Mom 2! Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, and Leah Calvert are all getting what the original Teen Mom stars didn't -- a season 5!

And along with their confirmation to The Stir that this is really happening, MTV has let us in on the biggest secret of all: what we're going to see on the highly anticipated season! We're talking about the official Teen Mom 2 trailer that shows off just when the cameras were hanging around the girls and what we can expect to see on television. Do you want to see it?

Of course you do! But get ready ... there are some HUGE shockers in there:

Holy. Moly!

Did Jenelle just say she was getting an abortion?! And did we hear Leah Calvert's little girl, Ali, may never be OK?! If they could pack that much drama into two minutes, can you imagine what this season is going to be like? Between Kailyn's wedding and Chelsea's baby daddy drama ... and of course Leah and Jeremy imploding and Jenelle being Jenelle, this could be the most explosive season of Teen Mom yet! And according to MTV, it's coming back to us on January 21 (that's a Tuesday ... no more Mondays are a Mother!).

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jenelle Evans Confirms Pregnancy

Ahhh! Yesterday there were loads of rumblings that Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans may be pregnant with baby #2, and it's now official: Jenelle Evans has confirmed she's pregnant! Already mom to 4-year-old Jace, Evans spoke exclusively with MTV, saying that she's expecting with boyfriend Nathan Griffith and they are super excited.

For those of you following along at home, Griffith and Evans met back in June on a dating app (oh, how romantic) and he has a 2-year-old daughter of his own named Emery from a previous relationship.

The kicker, though? The duo has been trying to have a baby together since early on in their relationship. As in, they knew soon after they met that they wanted to have a baby.

I mean ... that's definitely not the kind of woman I am. Having a baby isn't like deciding to have sushi for dinner at night instead of pizza. It's not just like deciding that you WANT to be in a relationship. Having a baby is a major life decision that stays with you forever and changes everything. As a mom, there's really no more alone time; someone always comes before you (or they should). The thought that two people could know right off the bat, soon after meeting each other, that they want to share that major life responsibility together? Well, that's a big deal. A really big deal.

However, Jenelle and Nathan both had kids before they met each other. They both know what it's like to be a parent (note: neither has guardianship over their kiddos, their parents do). Maybe this time around, they want to do things better, they want to do things right, and that's how they knew they wanted to take on being parents together. Maybe it's that passion that makes them believe this time WILL be different.

Congrats to Jenelle and Nathan on the fabulous news, I really do pray it's different. Here's hoping that she does mean it when she says "she's changed."

Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name.

A little sappy happy news on the Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name. Well, on Twitter anyway. Yup, the Teen Mom 2 star has changed her Twitter handle to Kailyn Lowry-Marroquin.

Granted, Kailyn may have actually taken Javi's name a year ago legally when the two got married. Regardless, it's not always an easy decision for a lady to make the switch.

It's a choice that some people believe isn't really a choice at all. When you tie the knot with someone, it used to just be assumed that the lady would take her husband's last name. But these days? It feels like more and more women are sticking to the name they've always known. The name that stuck with them through elementary school all the way through college. The name that's been passed down through generations of family members.

I understand why for some, it's not an inevitable, easy choice. It's about identity. If a woman takes her husband's last name, perhaps she feels like she's losing a part of herself. The way I see it, though, it's as if when two people get married -- they come together as one loving unit. Although I'm nowhere near marriage, I know that I'll take my husband's name. To me, that feels like part of the deal. When the time is right and I believe in our love, I'll want to do that for him. At least that's what I think.

But, then again, I won't really know until the time to make the decision comes. Kudos to Kailyn, Javi, and their adorable growing family.

Do you think a woman should take her husband's last name?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Kailyn Lowry Reveals Baby Lincoln's Nursery

Lincoln Marshall Marroquin made his triumphant debut on the fated day of November 16, and guys? Little dude is slaying us with his sweetness. No seriously, Kailyn Lowry's son (aka the newest member of MTV's Teen Mom 2 family) is ridiculously cute, and he's also ridiculously lucky. Kailyn and her husband, Javi Marroquin, are already catering to their kiddo's every need, and he even has his very own super-styling nursery that's all tricked out with Kailyn's amazing finds!

Kailyn Lowry Reveals Son Lincoln's Nursery

It's no secret that Kail has an eye for design (need we remind you of her jaw-dropping chevron wall?), and Linc's nursery might just be her best work yet. Check out this sweet pic of the room, which features the best-designed book shelf, like, ever. The shelf holds an array of photos, stuffed animals (we're sensing an owl theme!) and toys, and we even spot a video baby monitor on the top shelf. Of course the highlight is Linc's room is his poster of Texas, which is clearly a nod to Javi's stint at boot camp in the Lone Star State (cough, were Linc was conceived, cough). Amazing? We think so.

In other news, it looks like Kailyn chose to paint Linc's walls a gender neutral slate grey, which makes sense considering that she didn't know whether she was having a boy or a girl at the time the room was decorated.

What do you think of Linc's nursery? Amazingly fab or somewhat drab? Hit the comments — and if you write "somewhat drab" we can't be friends anymore. This room is amazing!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kailyn Lowry's First Family Picture Is Too Cute for Words

I'm about to show you the cutest thing you've seen all day. Are you ready for this?

Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry recently gave birth to her second son, Lincoln Marshall, and OMG! He is absolutely precious.

But what's even cuter? Kailyn's adorable little family. Javi, Isaac, Kailyn, and little Lincoln all wrapped up in a hospital bed together.

You've got to see this!

I think my ovaries just exploded ...

Is this for real? They are absolutely precious! I love that Isaac is giving his brother a sweet little kiss. Not to mention, Kailyn and Javi are GLOWING.

Congratulations to the happy family!

How cute is this family? Do you have any family photos like this?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Teen Mom 2' Star Chelsea Houska Graduates From Beauty School

Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska has been in beauty school for the last couple of years. On the show, fans watched as the young mother tried to achieve her dream all while maintaining her relationships with friends and family, and while being a great mother to her now four-year-old daughter, Aubree. Although it wasn't always easy, Chelsea maintained her focus and now, her hard work has paid off.

"During the fourth season of [the show] viewers saw Chelsea Houska working her way through esthetics school, and it appears as though we may get to see all that hard work pay off in Season 5 because Chelsea has graduated!" Starcasm announced on Friday, November 15.

Since Chelsea has been filming Teen Mom 2 season 5 since the spring, fans are sure to see plenty of her journey when the show returns.

As for what Chelsea plans to do now, she's expressed interest in teaming up with her fellow beauty school graduates, including her BFF Landon, and opening her own salon.

Leah Messer Starts a "New Chapter" In Her Life — What Is It?

The time has come to visit Leah Messer in the land of West Virginia! Poor Leah's life has taken a dramatic turn in the past few months. Word on the street is that her daughter, Ali, suffered a health setback, she had to sell their house for mysterious reasons, and her husband, Jeremy Calvert, booked it over to Roswell, New Mexico to work on a pipeline. And by "work on a pipeline" we mean bond with a bunch of extra terrestrials and rejected cast members from the WB series Roswell.

Leah's Twitter has been inundated with emotional musings about life, love and loneliness, but things have taken a turn for the better! Looks like Leah's ready to buck up and get down to the very important business of following her dreams.

"I can't wait to start doing what I have such a passion for!" Leah tweeted on November 10. "#NewChapter My girls will always be my motivation!"

Time for sleuthing. As we know, Leah has a passion for many things –– the key is figuring out which one she's starting a new chapter in. Our short list includes her passion for spray tanning, her passion for hair extensions, and –– duh –– her passion for cheese balls. Of course, it's most likely that Leah is finally opening up her own tanning salon, which has been her dream for as long as we can remember.

What do you think Leah's up to? Hit the comments and dish your wildest theories!

Kailyn Lowry Welcomes Baby Boy Named Lincoln!

She did it! After tweeting that she was going crazy waiting for her baby to arrive, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry finally welcomed her son, Lincoln Marshall Marroquin, on Saturday, November 16.

Kailyn told Us Weekly she’s exhausted, as you might expect, but she and husband Javi Marroquin are “so excited and surprised by our new baby boy.”

They didn’t know what they were going to get in the boy/girl department. The result is good news for Kailyn, who just tweeted on November 13, “Everything I know about babies is BOY. I have everything I would need. Even the PERFECT boy name picked out. I wouldn't mind another boy!"

Lincoln arrived at 4:28 p.m. on Saturday, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. And now Isaac, 3, has a little brother to play with (and hopefully not torment).

Lincoln is a pretty cool name, and maybe this Lincoln can grow up and marry the lady Lincoln that Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard produced earlier this year.

Congrats to Kailyn, Javi and Isaac!

Source: Us Weekly

Friday, November 1, 2013

Jenelle Evans Should Be Thrilled Boyfriend Nathan Griffith Is Leaving Her

Poor Jenelle Evans! Apparently, ever since April, when the Teen Mom star first met boyfriend Nathan Griffith online, the pair has been perfectly happy nesting together in Myrtle Beach. They've rarely spent more than a moment or two apart, but that's all about to change, because Nathan is hitting the road.

Thankfully, not because of one of Jenelle's signature dramatic breakups. Jenelle tweeted that her MMA fighter man has to get some special schooling out of town. Jenelle tweeted, "My baby will be leaving me soon for 2 weeks for training while I camp out at home." Aww!

I could see why she'd be feeling a bit down about it, but Jenelley should consider this an opportunity ...

Living together is amazing. There's no better roommate than someone you love and want to wake up next to every morning. But now and then, it can be healthy to shake things up and spend time apart. Being given the chance to miss one another can actually be all sorts of hot and fantastic and romantic! Think about how sparks fly when you see one another again!

Over the summer, my husband had to go work out of town for weeks on end. At one point, he was able to come home for about a day during the weekends, but we were going five to six days without seeing one another. And as much as I missed him, I enjoyed missing him, because it meant we were even more excited for one-on-one time and couldn't wait to catch up once we were together, etc. Plus, there's always Skype, FaceTime, and texts, right?

That said, although I'm sure Jenelle is bummed about the time apart from her love, I have a feeling that once Nathan's training wraps up, she'll definitely enjoy welcoming him home!

What's your favorite perk about spending time apart from your partner?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pregnant Kailyn Lowry Tries to Induce Labor!

It's almost November, and you know what that means! Not only is Teen Mom's Amber Portwood being sprung from the slammer, Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry is gearing up to welcome her new baby into the world!

Kailyn is ten months pregnant with baby number two, and she's beyond ready to pop. While we don't know the exact day of her due date, it appears that she's in the clear to go into labor .. girlfriend is even trying to induce herself!

There are several ways to bring on contractions, including eating spicy food, downing castor oil, doing the hanky-panky, and going on long walks. We're sure Kailyn will experiment with all her options if she goes past her due date, but for now she's sticking to walks with her fleet of adorable puppies.

"Taking the dogs for walk in hopes of the baby deciding to make his or her appearance into the world," Kailyn tweeted on October 30. Meanwhile, Javi took it to Instagram with a video of Kailyn on said walk (we're loving her hot pink hoodie!) and mused, "This baby needs to come out. So we're gonna walk, and walk 'til this baby comes out."

Kailyn and Javi are beyond excited about meeting their new bundle of joy — but they still don't know whether they're welcoming a baby boy or a baby girl into the world! Check back in with Wetpaint Entertainment for more updates about Kailyn's upcoming labor and delivery … we can't wait to meet her kiddo, y'all!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Leah Messer's Husband Jeremy Calvert Moves to Roswell, New Mexico

It's official, y'all: Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert have separated. By which we mean they've separated physically — not to be confused with romantically. Their relationship is steamier than ever, fear not!

This hot couple have experienced all kinds of ch-ch-ch-changes in the past year, and hot off the heels of finding out that they need to sell their house, it looks like Jeremy's work has taken him to the mysterious desert that is New Mexico. More specifically Roswell, New Mexico, home of the aliens.

Leah hinted that Jeremy was leaving on a jet plane a few weeks ago when she tweeted "This just isn't going to be easy," and Jeremy responded "I'll b back home before you know it babe." Now Jeremy has confirmed his move, tweeting "Chilly morning in Roswell screw this desert sh—."

So, how long will this hunky Southerner be away for, and what's he up to in Roswell? That remains to be seen. As far as we know, Jeremy is still a pipeline worker, and there's a little somethin' somethin' called the Transwestern Pipeline in Roswell.

Then again, it's also possible that Jeremy's in Roswell to do groundbreaking research on aliens — after all, a UFO crashed there! Or maybe Jeremy's a huge fan of the late and great WB series of the same name and he's on a fanboy pilgrimage. Yep, that must be it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Kailyn Lowry Surprises Javi Marroquin on Wedding Anniversary!

Kailyn Lowry and her husband, Javi Marroquin, just reached a huge milestone in their relationship. They've been married for an entire year! These lovebirds got hitched during an intimate courthouse ceremony on September 5, 2012, and they're celebrating the big day with an enormous wedding on September 21.

Kailyn Lowry's Anniversary Note to Her Husband
Credit: Instagram
Kailyn and her man have been nonstop busy preparing for their fabulous reception, so they kept their anniversary low-key. Just a simple dinner and one simply adorable surprise! No, we're not talking about traditional flowers or some heart-shaped chocolates. Instead, Kailyn packed a sweet note written on a napkin in Javi's lunch bag, which naturally he shared with fans!

"Unpacking my lunch and I find this! Thank you Kailyn Rae," Javi posted to Instagram along with the note, which reads 'Love you with my whole heart.'"

Please give us a moment to happy-cry and inflate our blow-up boyfriend. These two are the cutest couple ever! We can't wait for them to re-tie-the-knot later this month and get a jumpstart on their happily ever after … a beautiful life full of Scentsy candles and camouflage.

What's the cutest surprise you've ever planned for your man (or lady!)? Hit the comments and share!

Source: Wetpaint

Teen Birth Rates Cut By More Than Half Since 1991, Experts Say 'Teen Mom' Helped

The teen birth rates in the United States reached their peak in 1991, but a new study shows that over 20 years later, in 2012, the number of new teen mothers had been cut in half. And while there are many things that have contributed to this huge decline in teen pregnancies, some experts are saying that MTV franchises "16 And Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" have played a part in bringing that number down.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 61.8 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19 in 1991, and in 2012, there were only 29.4. Further, the rates are down in every American state and across all racial and ethnic groups.
Bill Albert, the Chief Program Officer of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, told the Christian Science Monitor the shifts are connected to variables like more readily available contraceptives (IUDs, in particular), tough economic climates -- which can dissuade young people from getting pregnant intentionally -- and even the visibility of Maci Bookout, Katie Yeager and other young mothers featured on "16 And Pregnant" and "Teen Mom."
"It’s off-the-charts extraordinary progress," Albert told the Monitor of the CDC's findings. "And the pace of progress is accelerating."
+ What do you think of the report? Share your reaction!

Jenelle Evans Rocks a Gold Bedazzled Monokini

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Why wander the tepid water parks of North Carolina in a regular bikini when I could be trolling around in a monokini?" Well, Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans is right there with you.

Hot off the heels of boyfriend Nathan Griffith’s arrest for a DUI on September 7, Jenelle and her man took her son, Jace, swimming at Myrtle Waves!

Jenelle Evans Rocks a Gold Bedazzled Monokini
Of course, most moms would wear a one-piece swimsuit on an outing with their child, but Jenelle isn't most moms. She decided to mix things up with a bedazzled monokini, and there's no denying that girlfriend looked muy caliente.  First of all, this kiddo looks adorable –– but enough about him… get a load of Jenelle's smokin' hot bod! Clearly, those gym sessions with Nathan are doing wonders for her figure.

Sure, we're slightly blind from the gold sequins on Jenelle's daring suit, but whatever. She's basically a beach goddess. And when we say "beach goddess," we mean "vaguely-‘80s-feeling water park goddess," naturally.

What do you think of Jenelle's glittery monokini? Is it way too scandalous for a childrens' park, or does she look totally stylish? Hit the comments and let us know what you think!

Check out this photo of Jenelle cheesin' for the camera with Jace!

Source: Wetpaint

Leah Messer's Daughter Aliannah Is Starting Pre-K This Fall!

It seems like just yesterday that Teen Mom 2's Leah Messer was popping out two adorable babies on 16 and Pregnant, and we can hardly believe that her daughters are almost four years old! Aliannah Hope and Aleeah Grace have grown leaps and bounds since they made their television debut, but their childhood hasn't been without struggle.

After years of tests and countless doctors appointments, Ali was diagnosed with a rare developmental disorder. Leah prefers not to reveal too much about her daughter's condition, but recent melancholy tweets from this West Virginia mountain momma had fans worried that she'd received bad news about her little lady.

Luckily, this doesn't seem to be the case. Ali's about to start Pre-K, which means she's healthy enough to be on her own during the day! Although, Leah is most definitely a ball of nerves about Ali's big milestone….

"Nervous about my little girl starting school next week!" she tweeted on September 7. "I know she'll do so great! Mommy love you Ali Girl! #Pre-K here Ali comes!"

We couldn't of said it better ourselves! Ali is going to rock Pre-K's socks off, and here's to hoping she has a fabulous year full of straight As!

Source: Wetpaint

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jenelle Evans Released From Jail!

Phew, everyone. Phew. After 48 hours spent wearing a terrible orange jumpsuit, Jenelle Evans has finally been let out of jail. This Teen Mom 2 superstar was arrested on August 12 after testing positive for marijuana during a court hearing, and she was immediately hauled off to the Brunswick County Jail for a two-day incarceration.

We've been curled up in the fetal position (aka completely traumatized) ever since, so you can imagine how relieved we are that Jenelle's made it out of the clink in one piece. But now that she's free, free as a bird, girlfriend has some serious explaining to do!

Fans are curious to know why Jenelle was high –– especially considering claims that she's been 100 percent sober since November 2012. Unfortunately, it looks like we'll have to wait a little while for Jenelle to offer up an explanation. She's stayed radio silent about her arrest on social media, other than tweeting "Hey bitches!" to her followers.

Right back atcha, Jenelley! It sounds like this infamous southern belle is in pretty good spirits considering that she was just locked up in a jail cell, so we have a feeling she and her boyfriend, Nathan Griffith, are still on good terms. We were worried Nathan would follow through with his threats to break up with Jenelle if she was caught doing drugs, but he welcomed his gal pal back with a warm bath and a bed of roses!

Sigh, whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man.

Source: Twitter

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Are Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Getting Married?

It’s time to pop open a box of Franzia in celebration because it looks like Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans is getting ready to walk down the aisle a second time!

It all started when Jenelle’s boyfriend, Nathan Griffith, hopped on Twitter on August 6 to say that he “hates” her. Naturally, we thought that Jenelle and her new boo were totally dunzo, but it was quite the contrary. Not only are Jenelle and Nathan still together, but according to Jenelley, the two are going to be engaged!

“@astevens1089 thank god u r out of the picture becuz we r getting engaged soon and having that little family u always wanted lmfao,” Jenelle tweeted to Nathan’s baby mama, Allison Stevens, on August 7. 

Technically, Jenelley is still married to her estranged husband, Courtland Rogers, and the two will have to be separated a full year before they can file for divorce (according to North Carolina marital law), but Jenelle is pretty open to the idea of being engaged again.

Jenelle and Nathan will have to sit tight until her divorce comes through. In the meantime, these two can work on getting to know each other better since they’ve only been dating for a few months. And even though they live together, they’ve still got a lot to learn about each other.

Here’s to hoping Jenelle’s truly found love this time around!

Do you think Jenelle and Nathan should get married? Tell us below!

Source: Twitter

Monday, July 29, 2013

Jenelle Evans Seeking Plea Deal to Avoid Jail Time For Drug Charges

Our girl Jenelle Evans is serious about cleaning up her act, but it hasn’t been easy. Despite an emergency appendectomy just a few days prior, she appeared in court on July 25 with her no-nonsense lawyer, Dustin Sullivan, and her hot new boyfriend, Nathan Griffith. On July 24, her estranged hubby Courtland Rogers reportedly pleaded guilty to charges of simple assault and heroin possession (stemming back to the couple’s April 23 arrest), with the rest of his ten charges dropped as a result. Jenelle was naturally peeved that Courty B got off so easy, but took the opportunity to assert her innocence in the heroin debacle. Jenelle claims that none of the 12 bindles of heroin found in the couple’s possession were hers. Girl just got herself mixed up with a bad dude … and married him. It was a simple mistake.

On that particular court date, Jenelle was facing two misdemeanor charges for cyberstalking and simple assault and, naturally, legal superstar Dustin got her off scot-free.

"The cyberstalking was dismissed," Dustin confirmed exclusively to Wetpaint Entertainment last week. "The simple assault case was continued to August 12, 2013 which is the same day as her drug charges."

Jenelle has spoken repeatedly of her airtight defense against the drug charges for her upcoming court date, pinning all of the blame on Courty, but we didn’t expect to hear any news until the court date in two weeks. Now, Rumorfix has confirmed that Dusty Dreamboat is working on a plea deal for the upcoming charges. Swoon … our hero!

Miraculously, the Legal Eagle’s plea deal doesn’t include any jail time, instead focusing on probation.

“We are not pleading to anything that involves and [sic] active sentence attached to it,” Dustin told Rumorfix. Given Jenelley’s long list of past charges, it will be pretty difficult for her to get off without any time in the clink, but if anyone can do it, it’s Dusty. If we had a bag of Cheetos for every time that dude has kept Jenelle out of the slammer...

Do you think Jenelle will have to do some jail time? Tell us your thoughts below!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jenelle Evans Posts Graphic Pictures of Surgery Wounds

Jenelle Evans gave fans quite a scare when she was rushed to the hospital to undergo an emergency appendectomy. Jenelle was given clearance to leave the hospital and return home where she’s been nursing her wounds … and taking pictures of them.

“Took off my bandage wounds! 😬😬😬😬 VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!” Jenelle captioned a photo showing her three incisions stitched up.

Unfortunately, Jenelle’s surgeon had to operate along the Teen Mom 2 star’s star-shaped tattoo, however, the doc seemed to do a good job aligning her stitches with her tattoos to reduce disfigurement to her ink.

“@lakeaspen1987 hahaha I kno me @Vkillemm and @GroundLevelUp noticed that too,” Jenelle tweeted to a fan who noticed the camouflaged closures.

We have to say we’re pretty proud of Jenelle handling this latest health scare like a trooper. As a matter of fact, Jenelle’s lawyer Dustin Sullivan told E! News that the reality TV star was in “a good place right now” and the little lady is set to make a court appearance tomorrow (July 25) for two separate misdemeanor charges.

Here’s to hoping Jenelley has a speedy recovery!

Source: Jenelle Twitter

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chelsea Houska and Aubree Prepare New Hair Accessories For Online Store

If you haven’t checked out Chelsea Houska’s killer new site,, we’re not exactly sure about your life plan. Homegirl has been bringing us the latest in stylin’ accessories and now she’s adding even more product to the page.

“Miss Aubree is helping me approve hair products for you guys are gonna love them! So excited,” Chelsea posted with a precious Instagram photo.

The Teen Mom 2 star’s fashion-forward daughter Aubree has had an active role in her site, and is working hand-in-hand with her mom to create the best looks.

In fact, Aubree’s set to have her own section on the site called “Aubree’s Cubby,” which will feature clothes and accessories for little girls.

We can’t wait to see what sort of trendy hair products Chels will post on the page. What about you? Have you bought any products from Chelsea’s Choices? Tell us below!

Leah Messer Asks God For Answers — Is There Cause For Concern?

Leah Messer lives a charmed life as Teen Mom 2's resident West Virginia Mountain Mama, but she and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, struggle daily with their daughter Aliannah's ongoing health problems. Ali suffers from a mysterious developmental disorder that has yet to be revealed to MTV's audiences (hopefully we'll find out more during Teen Mom 2 Season 5), and it looks like Leah and Corey just got some bad news.

The once-happy couple were spotted filming at a hospital with Ali, which isn't cause for alarm in itself. After all, Ali has frequent doctor's appointments and therapy sessions! However, a recent tweet from Leah definitely has us on edge.

"Angry is how I feel..." Leah tweeted on July 17. "No explanation. I hope this is your will god and someday you can give me an explanation. #NoWords."

Though Leah didn't confirm that she's referring to Ali's health in her tweet, her mom's response made direct reference to this little lady.

"Sis I wish I had the answer for you all we can do is be there," Momma Dawn tweeted. "I love you baby. I would give my live to make Ali 100%."

Leah's tweet is definitely alarming, and it's hard to gauge whether Ali's suffering a developmental setback, or whether something far more serious is going on. Check back in with Wetpaint Entertainment for more updates, and keep Leah and Ali in your thoughts.

Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert Are Selling Their Brand New Home!

Teen Mom 2's Leah Messer is gearing up for some major life changes! This gal's had a super emotional week thanks to receiving bad news about her daughter, Aliannah Simms's health and to make matters worse she has to sell her home. We know, it's like how much more can this poor mountain mama take?!

Leah and her husband, Jeremy Calvert, bought their first home together not too long ago, however they had no choice but to put the West Virginian crib on the market.

"After purchasing our first home together and now moving for the reasons we are is hard to adjust to, but I know it is best for our family," Leah tweeted on July 20.

Way to be cryptic, girlfriend. As far as we're concerned, there are a few possibilities as to why Leah and Jeremy are moving. It's no secret that this gal is opening her own tanning salon, so it's possible that she's relocating to be closer to the new business. However, given the timing of this news (and the melancholy nature of Leah's tweet!), it seems more likely that she and Jeremy are packing up their swag due to Ali's latest health scare. Perhaps they're moving closer to this little lady's team of doctors so she can have around-the-clock medical care?

Either way, the timing isn't great for the Calvert family — they already have a lot on their plate, and Leah's still recovering from the recent loss of her grandfather!

Souce: Wetpaint

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Leah Messer Asks God For Answers — Is There Cause For Concern?

Leah Messer lives a charmed life as Teen Mom 2's resident West Virginia Mountain Mama, but she and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, struggle daily with their daughter Aliannah's ongoing health problems. Ali suffers from a mysterious developmental disorder that has yet to be revealed to MTV's audiences (hopefully we'll find out more during Teen Mom 2 Season 5), and it looks like Leah and Corey just got some bad news.

The once-happy couple were spotted filming at a hospital with Ali, which isn't cause for alarm in itself. After all, Ali has frequent doctor's appointments and therapy sessions! However, a recent tweet from Leah definitely has us on edge.

"Angry is how I feel..." Leah tweeted on July 17. "No explanation. I hope this is your will god and someday you can give me an explanation. #NoWords."

Though Leah didn't confirm that she's referring to Ali's health in her tweet, her mom's response made direct reference to this little lady.

"Sis I wish I had the answer for you all we can do is be there," Momma Dawn tweeted. "I love you baby. I would give my live to make Ali 100%."

Leah's tweet is definitely alarming, and it's hard to gauge whether Ali's suffering a developmental setback, or whether something far more serious is going on. Check back in with Wetpaint Entertainment for more updates, and keep Leah and Ali in your thoughts.

Source: Wetpaint

Monday, July 1, 2013

7 Signs 'Teen Mom 2' Season 5 Is Coming Soon

HUGE news from Jenelle Evans! Remember how she bought a house with Nathan Griffith, the guy she's been dating for all of a month now? Well, JK, looks like she didn't actually buy it! Jenelle backed out of the housing purchase, and the reason is one that ought to make Teen Mom 2 fans a little giddy!

Turns out the homeowners' association at the new place wouldn't let cameras film there. You know what that means? Jenelle is house hunting again!

Oh right ... and now we've got further confirmation that Teen Mom 2 is coming back!

Can we just say it's a done deal now? Just look at all this evidence that Jenelle, Kail, Leah, and Chelsea are coming back to a TV screen near you:

1. Leah Messer Calvert's husband, Jeremy Calvert, tweeted a complaint about treatment at a furniture store and let it slip that MTV would be in to film.

2. Photos of Chelsea Houska surfaced on Twitter with a professional camerawoman behind her clear as day!

3. Kailyn Lowry's favorite tattoo parlor, Sick Ink, tweeted a photo of MTV cameras in their studios the day after Kail and husband Javi Marroquin both tweeted about spending a day there and Javi showed off a photo of his tat.

4. Jenelle announced she's clean and sober. Not necessarily an indication the show is coming back, but the rumors related to the show's cancellation were linked to her bad behavior. If Jenelle is keeping clean, the chances Teen Mom 2 will land back on TV are much greater.

5. Jenelle admitted in late May that she's still working for MTV, asking fans "Is TM2 really over?"

6. Producer Morgan Freeman announced in April that rumors of the cancellation were off base. He said nothing had been decided yet ... and no one at MTV came out to dispute him.

7. Jenelle's backing out of a housing deal might not sound like much, but consider this: if she were "just" going to film a reunion special, MTV could easily shoot at her mom's house or fly her to New York City. They'd only need access to her house if filming were going to be frequent.

With this much evidence, it's hard to see anything but a fifth season for Teen Mom 2, don't you think?

Souce: CafaMom

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Are Co-Homeowners!

Jenelle Evans Dances With New Boyfriend Nathan Griffith on June 9, 2013Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans is one girl who enjoys living in the fast lane. After only three months of dating, the reality TV starlet married (now-estranged) husband, Courtland Rogers. And now, after only dating new boyfriend Nathan Griffith for a month, the two are living together. In fact — they bought a house in Horry County, Myrtle Beach together and they are both proud homeowners.

That’s right. If you thought that Nathan got with Jenelle to live off of her dime, then you need to step to the left. In an attempt to prove naysayers wrong, Jenelley posted a photo of her sale and purchase contract and guess what? The names listed under owners are “Nathan Griffith & Jenelle Evans.” Oh boy.

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Are Officially Joint Homeowners
Credit: Twitter
Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Are Officially Joint Homeowners

This latest step in Jenelle’s life shows that the little lady is ready to take on tons responsibility as owning a home is no joke. Not to mention, co-owning the property with Nathan is a big deal. If the couple doesn't make it (which we hope to the Alfredo-sauce gods that they do), there could be serious legal consequences, you know like fighting in court for the property...

Sigh, hopefully things go well for the couple and they live in their shared property for many years to come. After all, the “coveted” school district would be great for Jace and Nathan’s daughter and it’s about time Jenelle and Jace have some stability in their lives. Don’t you?

Do you think it was a good move for Jenelle to buy a house with Nathan? Tell us your thoughts below!

Kailyn Lowry’s Pregnancy Scare: Hospitalized For Dehydration

A fun family outing turned into a scary situation for Kailyn Lowry, who is pregnant with her second child. The Teen Mom 2 star, 21, was hospitalized after a day at the beach, scaring her fans and friends of the show. Could that be an indication of pregnancy problems?

Kailyn Lowry Rushed To Emergency Room

Kailyn had a fun day at the beach on June 22 with hubby Javi Marroquin, 20, and son Issac, 3, but the day didn’t end as well as it started. Kailyn, who is pregnant with her second child and her first with Javi, was rushed to the ER for dehydration. She shared the gory details with a pal on Twitter. She wrote the next day:

    I was throwing up all night. It was awful!

Despite the scare, Kailyn shared on Twitter the next morning that everything is okay. She later added:

    The beach yesterday was definitely worth my trip to the ER last night from dehydration afterwards. I’ll just drink water all day next time.

Phew! It sounds like the dehydration had nothing to do with the fact that she is pregnant. We wouldn’t want another Teen Mom pregnancy complication!
Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin To Welcome First Child Together This Fall

The couple, who wed in a small courthouse ceremony in September 2012 before Javi left for Air Force training, will be welcoming their first child together in the fall. The two had originally planned to wed in a bigger ceremony in the fall as well, but she took to Twitter to announce a change in plans.

“Looks like we’ll be pushing the wedding back an entire year,” Kailyn tweeted on March 12. “Just not in our budget this year like we planned. Taxes.” Even without a big wedding ceremony in the near future, the two still have a lot on their plate — and plenty to be excited about! A source told InTouch magazine.

    They’re nervous about the transition to two children, but are so excited!

If the soon-to-be family of four decides to visit the beach again before Kailyn gives birth, hopefully she’ll remember to keep herself hydrated!

Kailyn Has her own Domain


Well it look's like Kailyn Lowry got her old Domain Name back and the Teen Mom 2 has been working on her website. Her website is looking very awesome. She launched her site and it looks very clean and feel good to be in. She is still working on it so there isn't very much on there but give the Teen Mom 2 some time to do it up.

Kaikyn wrote up a section on her site so fans wouldn't look away form it. So this is what she had to say to her fans.
"KailynLowry is a successful writer and TV star of the MTV hit docu-series 16 & Pregnant, and the spin-off show Teen Mom 2. Growing up with an absent father and a barely there mother, Kailyn had to learn to be independent from an early age. She realized that if she wanted something, she has to get it herself. Her life as a young mother juggling school and work and raising her son Isaac has played out on Teen Mom 2 for four seasons. With no family to run to and fix things for her she is a leading example of an independent, determined, grounded and motivated young woman. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with young adults thriving to take control of their lives and determined to make something of themselves. She shares the value that independence is the gateway to freedom"

Kailyn has been very busy and she has had this in the works for a while. Its good that Kailyn is working on some of her own stuff. She has had this domain for a while and now has it in on her working website. We are very pleased to see her working and keeping her fans updates.

Come and check out her site

Will Jenelle Evans's Boyfriend Nathan Griffith Be on Teen Mom 2 Season 5?

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Get Cozy on June 23, 2013 

Word on the street is that MTV's currently filming Season 5 of its smash-hit documentary series, Teen Mom 2, and you know what that means! Jenelle Evans and her Alfredo-luvin' self are back in action.

This gal has been spotted filming scenes for Teen Mom 2 all around her home state of North Cackalacky, and it looks like she has a new co-star — none other than her boyfriend, professional model Nathan Griffith!

Jenelle and Nathan started dating around the same time that she began filming Teen Mom 2 Season 5, so he'll more than likely be featured on the show. Plus, fans around the Dirty South have spotted Nathan and Jenelle with a camera crew filming, while moving into their new house (yes, they bought a house together after just a month of dating).

Nathan is Jenelle's third serious boyfriend to be featured on Teen Mom 2 –– she's also starred alongside Kieffer Delp and her ex-fiancé, Gary Head. Of course, Jenelle's husband, Courtland Rogers, has never appeared on the show, and it doesn't look like he'll show his face anytime soon considering that he's in jail for heroin possession and simple assault.

Are you excited to see Nathan and his six-pack take on Teen Mom Land? With any luck, Jenelle will make out with him in a booth at Planet Fun. Sigh, just like old times.

Monday, June 17, 2013

'Teen Mom' Chelsea Houska Unveils Jewelry Line That's as Sparkly as Her Eye Makeup

Teen Mom Chelsea Houska has been teasing us with a "secret project" for weeks, and now she's finally unveiled it. Houska has launched a website, Chelsea's Choices, in which she sells jewelry. Cool story. Chelsea, who seems to have a love for all things girly and frilly, currently has two necklaces for sale on the site, and while the accessories aren't my style exactly, they're kind of cute.

Here's one of the necklaces:
A little too ... sparkly and heart-y for my taste, but I kind of like the idea of a ring inside a necklace charm. It's different. If this was gold instead of silver, didn't have crystals and hearts, and came with a different chain, I'd be all over this bad boy. And I think this is a good thing for Chelsea to get into; it's sort of a fun way to make money. And it's better than a sex tape.

According to the site, Chelsea, Aubree, and her team "are scouring the globe to find the most exciting pieces and bring them to you directly, cutting out the middleman. A stunning way for you to get the greatest designs from Europe and Asia at great prices!" I like it. But my only complaint thus far is -- where's the rest of the stuff? What kind of scouring went on if only two necklaces are featured on the site? We want more, Chelsea! And how about throwing in some rings and a bracelet? Our jewelry boxes can't subsist on necklaces and necklaces alone!

Congrats, Chelsea on your latest biznass endeavor. Good luck to you and Aubree. We'll be checking back often to see what else you've got!

What do you think of the necklaces?
Source: CafaMom- Stir Up

Jenelle Evans Moves in With Her Boyfriend!

Has anyone noticed that Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans has been spending a lot of time with her new boyfriend, Nathan Griffith? You know, the underwear model she's been dating for the past few weeks? Yeah, him.  Jenelle Evans and Boyfriend Nathan Griffith's Cute Hugging Selfie

Well, turns out this feisty gal is head-over-Uggs in love — so much so that she and Nathan just took the next big step in their relationship. Drum roll, please...

"I live in Myrtle Beach now :)" Jenelle tweeted on June 15.

Yep, after just a few months of knowing each other (Jenelle and Nathan met online), our favorite Teen Mom has packed up her bag of Pink by Victoria's Secret hoodies and relocated to Nathan's digs in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Great news, but we're pretty sure fans are going to have some concerns.

First up, what about Jenelle's relationship with her son, Jace? Luckily, Myrtle Beach is only about 1.5 hours from Wilmington, North Carolina, where Jace currently lives with Jenelle's mom, Barbara Evans. This means Jenelle can easily visit her kiddo on the weekends and even the occasional weeknight! Let's just hope she makes time to do so...

Second of all, is anyone else slightly concerned that home girl is moving a little fast with Nate-Dogg? We know these two love each other with the passion of a thousand spray tans, but they've only been dating for a few weeks — and Jenelle's still married to Courtland Rogers (though Courty is currently locked up in the clink).

What do you think of Jenelle's big move? Weigh in below with your "feelings and emotions."

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

'Teen Mom 2' Stars Caught Filming & It Can Only Mean One Thing

It's happening! It's happening! Teen Mom 2 is coming back! At least it sure as heck looks that way.

I know, I know, we've said it before. The rumors have been swirling, helped along by some rather cagey comments from Jenelle Evans. So what makes it different this time? We've got hardcore evidence that MTV is indeed filming the show's stars.

See that picture at right of Chelsea Houska with one of her adorable doggies? It was tweeted recently by a fan who tagged it #womancrushwednesday. The giant videographer in the background is hard to miss, but Jenelle made sure NO ONE missed it when she responded with an emoticon of a video camera.

OK, but one star with a video camera does not another season make?

We're not done, folks. Not even close!

Sick Ink Studios, favored tattoo artists of Kailyn Lowry and husband Javi Marroquin, also tweeted a photo of cameramen this week, and they specifically name-dropped MTV. That tweet went live on Monday, one day after Kail tweeted that she'd be spending the evening at Sick Ink, and Javi tweeted a photo of his newest piece from ... you guessed it ... the Whitehall, Pennsylvania tattoo parlor.

More From The Stir: 'Teen Mom' Star Gets Married & We've Got the Details!

Coincidence? We think not.

Now. Add that on top of Jenelle's hints AND Leah's husband Jeremy's cryptic tweet about a film crew at a furniture store AND the reports that Jenelle's new boyfriend, Nathan Griffiths, has been spotted with film crews following him, and, well ... MTV is up to SOMETHING and that something involves the Teen Mom 2 cast and video.

So you do the math, y'all ...

Are you thinking what we're thinking?

Source: The Stir

Sunday, May 26, 2013

News About Teen Mom Not Ending

HUGE news Teen Mom fans! The rumors that we'd never see our favorite mama drama are proving to be just that: rumors. The show isn't cancelled after all. We're finally going to see young moms and their kids on MTV again ... and soon.


We knew that at least a portion of Teen Mom 3 was shot, with 16 & Pregnant stars Alex Sekella, Mackenzie Douthit, Katie Yeager, and Briana DeJesus. But when word started leaking that MTV would not be renewing Teen Mom 2, there was plenty of buzz that the four girls' stories would end right where we last saw them.

Not so. MTV confirmed to The Stir last week that there's no exact airdate for Teen Mom 3 yet, but there is definite movement. The folks at Teen Mom Confidential have gotten word that the show will begin airing in August, likely in the time slot vacated by Teen Mom 2 (that's Monday nights at 10 p.m. for those of you who DVR).

Douthit confirmed on Twitter that she's in New York City this week. Gannon's mom didn't just leave Oklahoma for a vacation. She's in the Big Apple specifically to work on the show because although the bulk of the shows are shot in the girls's individual hometowns, the after-specials, reunions shows, and voiceover work all happens at MTV's headquarters in mid-town Manhattan.

The recent high school graduate has been joined by her co-stars and Teen Mom alum Maci Bookout, host of many of the after-show rap sessions.

As for the fate of Teen Mom 2, who knows. It sounds an awful lot like MTV is committed to moving on, and we can't wait to see what these new girls have to share with the world. Hopefully they've learned some lessons from the stars of the previous two versions of Teen Mom!

Source: CafeMom

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kailyn Lowry wears pink to baby shower

Well it looks like Kailyn Lowry and husband Javi Morroquin are having a baby shower. A couple of months ago Javi's sister told In Touch about her brother and sister in law having a baby. Both haven't said much  about the news  on this. But on May 19th it looks like Mom and Dad have confirmed that there is a baby coming as mom is celebrating her baby shower and may even told us if she is having  a boy or girl.

We have photo's of Kailyn celebrating her baby shower with family and friends. Kailyn is wearing a nice pink dress with a flower headband. Wonder if this is a clue she is letting everyone that she wants a girl or their is a little girl on the way. Please note that the gender hasn't been released nor has a due date.

With all of her friends and family it looks like she was having a good time. Their is one photo of the big brother playing with his Toy Story Toys...

It looks like they are having a shower early as its been reported the Hubby Javi Morroquin is only home for a short time before heading to is duty station. So Kailyn and Isaac will more likely move shortly after.

Having this party it looks like it was more then a shower it was a celebrating of a new beginning for the family. Starting a new family and marriage.

Kailyn Tweeted:
“Thank you so much!!!! Hopefully we'll be seeing you all again soon, if not save the dates are coming!!”

We wish the happy family an safe journey down the path that life has given them.

Leah Messer Surprises Miranda Patterson With a Mother's Day Gift!

Leah Messer Surprises Miranda Patterson With a Mother's Day Gift!

Leah Messer and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, might have gone through a brutal divorce, but these days they get along better than ever for the sake of their twin daughters, Ali and Aleeah. In fact, Leah has even developed a friendship with Corey's fiancé, Miranda Patterson!

Miranda has become an important maternal figure in Ali and Aleeah's life, and Leah decided to show her appreciation by sending Miranda a potted plant and a sweet note on Mother's Day.

"I know you're not officially a stepmom yet, but soon you will be!!!" Leah wrote in Miranda's card. "You're such a sweet person, and I know from talking to you that you truly love the girls! I know you'll be a great mom and you'll be an amazing influence in their lives! Happy Mother's Day!"
Leah Messer Surprises Miranda Patterson With a Mother's Day Gift!
Credit: Twitter

Of course, this card was stealthily signed "Your Secret Sister," but it's pretty obvious that Leah is the mystery lady in question. After all, who else would use exclamation marks so abundantly? Then again, we'd expect a note from Leah to be covered in pink camo, so who knows.

We're so proud of Leah and Miranda for getting along so well, and we're even more shocked by how mature Leah is. Many women wouldn't like another lady stepping on their mommy toes, but clearly Leah only thinks about what's best for her kiddos!

What do you think of Leah and Miranda's adorable friendship? Tell us your thoughts below!

Source: Twitter & Wetpaint

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Did Javi Marroquin Confirm Kailyn Lowry's Pregnancy?

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin Discuss Her Custody Hearing With Word on the Ugg-littered street is that Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry is currently about three months pregnant with her second child, and we couldn't be more excited! Kailyn and her husband, Javi Marroquin, tied the knot back in September 2012, and it looks like they got frisky over Valentine's Day, when Kailyn visited her man at his Air Force boot camp graduation.

Kailyn has yet to confirm her pregnancy, but as you might expect she and Javi are experiencing some criticism from fans. We know, crazy right? Apparently some people think this gal should have set a "good example" to her young followers by staying on birth control, but as Kailyn said "nobody on the show is still a teenager." Furthermore, Kailyn is a married woman! It must be hard for Kailyn and Javi to face so much criticism from fans, but Javi isn't having any of it.

"If we want to have a baby we will," he tweeted on May 14.

Hear that guys? To the left. Javi and Kailyn are going to pop out as many babies as their hearts desire, so (in the immortal words of Honey Boo Boo) y'all better redneck-ognize.

Do you think Kail and Javi are expecting their first baby? Dish it in the comments!

Source: Wetpaint

Finale Special Check Up with Dr. Drew Part 2


In the dramatic conclusion of the finale, Dr. Drew checks in with Chelsea and Leah, and the teen parents are joined with their kids on stage.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jenelle Evans to File For Divorce

Jenelle and Courtland Take Pics Post Hospital ScareJenelle Evans is none too happy with her hunky husband, Courtland Rogers, which could have something to do with the fact that he allegedly assaulted her on April 23. This southern gent is currently holed up in North Carolina's Brunswick County Jail on a $50,000 bond thanks to assault charges and possession of heroin — which Jenelle claims he tried to frame her for.

As you might expect, Jenelle wants to ditch her dude once and for all, and plans on divorcing Courtland ASAP.

“Jenelle is telling her friends that she is going to file for divorce from Courtland," a source tells RadarOnline. "She thinks it is hilarious that Courtland is still in jail and she doesn’t care. She wants nothing to do with him when he gets out.”

Unfortunately, Jenelle and Courtland will have to wait more than a year for their divorce to be processed because the state of North Carolina requires a full 365 days of separation. However, the source explains"the good news is that they have literally no assets together, so that part will be easy.”

It's safe to assume that Courtland also wants out of his dysfunctional marriage, but boyfriend is too busy chillin' like a villain in jail to file paperwork.

Courtland’s doing the best he can right now in jail,” a friend tells Radar. “He was moved out of a cell by himself to a cell with another person in it, which has made it a little more bearable for him.”

Aww, poor Courtland sounds like he has a major case of the sads! Good thing he has that enormous confederate flag tattoo to help him through the rough times.

Do you think Jenelle should divorce Courtland? Tell us below!

Source: RadarOnline