
Friday, November 1, 2013

Jenelle Evans Should Be Thrilled Boyfriend Nathan Griffith Is Leaving Her

Poor Jenelle Evans! Apparently, ever since April, when the Teen Mom star first met boyfriend Nathan Griffith online, the pair has been perfectly happy nesting together in Myrtle Beach. They've rarely spent more than a moment or two apart, but that's all about to change, because Nathan is hitting the road.

Thankfully, not because of one of Jenelle's signature dramatic breakups. Jenelle tweeted that her MMA fighter man has to get some special schooling out of town. Jenelle tweeted, "My baby will be leaving me soon for 2 weeks for training while I camp out at home." Aww!

I could see why she'd be feeling a bit down about it, but Jenelley should consider this an opportunity ...

Living together is amazing. There's no better roommate than someone you love and want to wake up next to every morning. But now and then, it can be healthy to shake things up and spend time apart. Being given the chance to miss one another can actually be all sorts of hot and fantastic and romantic! Think about how sparks fly when you see one another again!

Over the summer, my husband had to go work out of town for weeks on end. At one point, he was able to come home for about a day during the weekends, but we were going five to six days without seeing one another. And as much as I missed him, I enjoyed missing him, because it meant we were even more excited for one-on-one time and couldn't wait to catch up once we were together, etc. Plus, there's always Skype, FaceTime, and texts, right?

That said, although I'm sure Jenelle is bummed about the time apart from her love, I have a feeling that once Nathan's training wraps up, she'll definitely enjoy welcoming him home!

What's your favorite perk about spending time apart from your partner?

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