
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jenelle Evans to File For Divorce

Jenelle and Courtland Take Pics Post Hospital ScareJenelle Evans is none too happy with her hunky husband, Courtland Rogers, which could have something to do with the fact that he allegedly assaulted her on April 23. This southern gent is currently holed up in North Carolina's Brunswick County Jail on a $50,000 bond thanks to assault charges and possession of heroin — which Jenelle claims he tried to frame her for.

As you might expect, Jenelle wants to ditch her dude once and for all, and plans on divorcing Courtland ASAP.

“Jenelle is telling her friends that she is going to file for divorce from Courtland," a source tells RadarOnline. "She thinks it is hilarious that Courtland is still in jail and she doesn’t care. She wants nothing to do with him when he gets out.”

Unfortunately, Jenelle and Courtland will have to wait more than a year for their divorce to be processed because the state of North Carolina requires a full 365 days of separation. However, the source explains"the good news is that they have literally no assets together, so that part will be easy.”

It's safe to assume that Courtland also wants out of his dysfunctional marriage, but boyfriend is too busy chillin' like a villain in jail to file paperwork.

Courtland’s doing the best he can right now in jail,” a friend tells Radar. “He was moved out of a cell by himself to a cell with another person in it, which has made it a little more bearable for him.”

Aww, poor Courtland sounds like he has a major case of the sads! Good thing he has that enormous confederate flag tattoo to help him through the rough times.

Do you think Jenelle should divorce Courtland? Tell us below!

Source: RadarOnline

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