
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name.

A little sappy happy news on the Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name. Well, on Twitter anyway. Yup, the Teen Mom 2 star has changed her Twitter handle to Kailyn Lowry-Marroquin.

Granted, Kailyn may have actually taken Javi's name a year ago legally when the two got married. Regardless, it's not always an easy decision for a lady to make the switch.

It's a choice that some people believe isn't really a choice at all. When you tie the knot with someone, it used to just be assumed that the lady would take her husband's last name. But these days? It feels like more and more women are sticking to the name they've always known. The name that stuck with them through elementary school all the way through college. The name that's been passed down through generations of family members.

I understand why for some, it's not an inevitable, easy choice. It's about identity. If a woman takes her husband's last name, perhaps she feels like she's losing a part of herself. The way I see it, though, it's as if when two people get married -- they come together as one loving unit. Although I'm nowhere near marriage, I know that I'll take my husband's name. To me, that feels like part of the deal. When the time is right and I believe in our love, I'll want to do that for him. At least that's what I think.

But, then again, I won't really know until the time to make the decision comes. Kudos to Kailyn, Javi, and their adorable growing family.

Do you think a woman should take her husband's last name?

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