
Monday, July 29, 2013

Jenelle Evans Seeking Plea Deal to Avoid Jail Time For Drug Charges

Our girl Jenelle Evans is serious about cleaning up her act, but it hasn’t been easy. Despite an emergency appendectomy just a few days prior, she appeared in court on July 25 with her no-nonsense lawyer, Dustin Sullivan, and her hot new boyfriend, Nathan Griffith. On July 24, her estranged hubby Courtland Rogers reportedly pleaded guilty to charges of simple assault and heroin possession (stemming back to the couple’s April 23 arrest), with the rest of his ten charges dropped as a result. Jenelle was naturally peeved that Courty B got off so easy, but took the opportunity to assert her innocence in the heroin debacle. Jenelle claims that none of the 12 bindles of heroin found in the couple’s possession were hers. Girl just got herself mixed up with a bad dude … and married him. It was a simple mistake.

On that particular court date, Jenelle was facing two misdemeanor charges for cyberstalking and simple assault and, naturally, legal superstar Dustin got her off scot-free.

"The cyberstalking was dismissed," Dustin confirmed exclusively to Wetpaint Entertainment last week. "The simple assault case was continued to August 12, 2013 which is the same day as her drug charges."

Jenelle has spoken repeatedly of her airtight defense against the drug charges for her upcoming court date, pinning all of the blame on Courty, but we didn’t expect to hear any news until the court date in two weeks. Now, Rumorfix has confirmed that Dusty Dreamboat is working on a plea deal for the upcoming charges. Swoon … our hero!

Miraculously, the Legal Eagle’s plea deal doesn’t include any jail time, instead focusing on probation.

“We are not pleading to anything that involves and [sic] active sentence attached to it,” Dustin told Rumorfix. Given Jenelley’s long list of past charges, it will be pretty difficult for her to get off without any time in the clink, but if anyone can do it, it’s Dusty. If we had a bag of Cheetos for every time that dude has kept Jenelle out of the slammer...

Do you think Jenelle will have to do some jail time? Tell us your thoughts below!

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