
Friday, February 28, 2014

Jo Rivera Flips Off Kailyn Lowry After Court!

Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry and Jo Rivera finally came to an agreement about custody of their son, Isaac, but it was a long time coming. These two argued for months about whether Kailyn would be able to move to Delaware with her husband, or whether she'd be forced to stay in Pennsylvania so Jo could have easier access to Isaac. Ultimately, Kailyn ended up giving Jo nine overnights a month in exchange for jumping states, but it doesn't look like Jo was thrilled about the decision — at least judging from this deleted scene from Teen Mom 2!

In this bonus clip, Jo chats to his lawyer about how unhappy he is about the progress he's making with Kailyn. "[Javi's] been living in Dover for a couple months now and he’s been commuting every week,” Jo says. “I don’t know why he can’t continue to do that if he wants to see his wife. I don’t see why my situation has to change because of her decision."

Jo makes a few good points, but we're Team Kailyn on this one. Anyway, after real-talking with his lawyer, Jo wanders up to his baby mama to say goodbye. Unfortunately, when he tries to offer Kailyn his hand, she rejects him and he quickly flips her off before wandering back from whence he came (probably a music studio because he's a rapper, duh).

We're shocked that Jo would be so rude to Kailyn — sure she didn't want to say goodbye to him, but she hardly deserves to be flipped off! Do you agree?

Source: MTV

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Leah Messer's Husband Jeremy Calvert Gets Laid Off After Health Scare

We're so worried about Leah Messer — and not just because she might be moving to a double wide trailer. We sensed some major trouble in cheese puff paradise during this week's episode of Teen Mom 2, and it's all thanks to Leah's husband, Jeremy.

It looks like the pressure of Jeremy's pipeline job is taking a toll on this happy couple's relationship and on Jeremy's perfectly hunky body. In one of the scarier moments on Teen Mom 2, Leah learned that her man passed out while pipelining a few pipes (we literally have no idea what he does), and he immediately returned home to take care of his health.

Unfortunately, Jeremy's health scare caused him to get laid off from work, which means he and Leah will have to watch their spending habits until he's healthy enough to run up and down hills again without swooning. And speaking of said fainting spells, what did the doctors have to say about Jeremy's headaches?

Turns out his EKG came back completely normal, which means stress and anxiety (plus running up and down those dang hills) likely caused him to faint. Oh, and the fact that he refuses to eat breakfast. Looks like Jeremy will be spending lots of time with his family until he gets his act together, and hopefully chilling out with Leah 24/7 will do wonders for their relationship.


Leah Messer's Daughter Aliannah Learns to Run After Muscular Dystrophy Diagnosis

Teen Mom 2's Leah Messer was dealt a major blow when she learned that her daughter, Aliannah Hope, had a rare form of muscular dystrophy. Ali's diagnosis was shocking to say the least, and poor Leah had to prepare for the worst — that Ali would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Amazingly, Ali has continued walking on her own two feet, and even better? Six months after her diagnosis, she can now run alongside her sister, Aleeah Grace! “Ali is running,” Leah told In Touch, “She has so much determination. We’re in awe of how she handles adversity."

Leah says that she and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, still don't know if Ali will end up in a wheelchair, but as of now their little lady is beating the odds. “She’s doing so much better than expected. We don’t know what the future holds, but this is proof that we should never give up hope,” she said.

Leah has been encouraged by the support of her fans, who have been right there with her throughout Ali's condition. The Teen Mom 2 community has watched Ali face innumerable challenges over the years, so it's amazing and heartwarming to hear that she's doing so well. “One girl who reached out to me also suffers from muscular dystrophy,” Leah said. “It made my hope for Ali so much more realistic.”

Speaking of hope, it looks like Corey Simms was right on the money when he said that Ali would continue to thrive. This dude was accused of being in denial about his daughter's condition, but who knows? Maybe Corey will be able to fulfill his dream of walking Ali down the aisle at her wedding!

Source: In Touch

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chelsea Houska Tweets About "Crazy" Move — Is She Leaving Sioux Falls?

Teen Mom 2's Chelsea Houska has had a pretty dramatic couple of weeks. Not only is she dealing with the fact that her baby daddy, Adam Lind, is in hospital after a near-fatal car wreck, she's in the middle of packing up her swag and moving house!

Last time we checked, Chelsea was living in a nice middle class neighborhood with her daughter, Aubree. These two seemed to love their pad, so we're not quite sure why they're packing up and moving. All we know is that Chelsea's dad is taking care of her furry friends until the move is over!

"Things have been crazy these last couple of weeks … I want my boring, drama free life back anytime now," Chelsea tweeted, adding (to her dad), "As soon as I get moved I will get my furry babies back. Thank u for taking them :)"

There could be a number of reasons why Chelsea is moving, but for those of you wondering if she's ditching Sioux Falls, the answer is most likely no. This girl has a solid friend group in her hometown, her entire family lives there, and she's been working up a storm as an esthetician. Not only that, but Chelsea wouldn't take Aubree away from her dad — especially so soon after his accident! More than likely, girlfriend just wants a bigger place for her growing family of pets, and now that she's a working woman she can definitely afford something more up-market!

Why do you think Chelsea's moving? Dish your theories below.

Jenelle Evans Plans New Tattoo in Honor of Her Baby

You know what Jenelle Evans is sorely lacking? Tattoos. Sure, she has an adorable skull tramp stamp, and yeah, she has a giant leopard all up on her thigh, but this Teen Mom 2 star is far from done. Sadly, Jenelle can't currently get any tattoos because she's pregnant with her second child (way to cramp her style, baby), but fear not. This notorious jailbird has big, inky plans for a post-pregnancy tat in honor of her son!

In case you hadn't heard, Jenelle is naming her forthcoming love child Kaiser — as in the German word for "emperor." Basically, it's the most flawless name ever, so you better believe Jenelle's tattooing it on her body. To be honest, we should all be tattooing it on our bodies. So, what does Jenelle have planned for her commemorative ink? That remains to be seen!

"Have so many new ideas for my next tattoo for Kaiser!" Jenelle tweeted on February 23. "Cannot wait until I'm able to get tatted up again!"

This girl won't be able to get her tattoo until the summer, and she'll have to wait even longer if she plans to breastfeed (many tattoo parlors won't tattoo nursing moms). However, we're sure the wait will be well worth it — each of Jenelle's tattoos is better than the next, and this one will be no different!

How do you think Jenelle's Kaiser-themed tattoo should be styled? We're thinking she should just get his name tattooed on her forehead, but we're open to suggestions.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jenelle Evans regaining custody of son, Jace

Jenelle Evans has been ridiculed by fans lately because she doesn’t have custody of her son Jace and she is already pregnant with baby number two. Fans saw Jenelle hand over custody of Jace to her mother Barbara years ago during the first season of Teen Mom 2. Many people believe that Jenelle should not have gotten pregnant again because it is unfair to Jace, but that may all be changing soon.

In a recent interview, Jenelle revealed that she may be getting custody of her son back before she knows it. If she stays clean, sober and stable for a year, then her mother will give custody back to Jenelle.

“My mom is actually really supportive and excited. My mom told me, ‘If you will keep [being sober] up for a year, I’ll give you custody of Jace,’” Jenelle told OK! Magazine.

It’s clear that Barbara loves Jenelle and Jace, but she is older and is done raising her kids. It would be perfect for everyone if Jenelle had Jace again. Barbara could have a rest and Jenelle and Jace would be together.


Kailyn Lowry caught filming: Teen Mom 2, Season 6?

Kailyn Lowry, along with the rest of the Teen Mom 2 co-stars have been under speculation of filming for a sixth season of the show.
There has been no confirmation yet, but in a new photo released by Kailyn herself, it appears that this will not be the last fans will see of the moms.

In the photo, Kailyn stated that she, Isaac, her husband Javi and their son Lincoln were visiting Isaac’s father Jo and his girlfriend Vee. That was surprising in itself, but what was even more shocking was the fact that there was a film crew spotted in the background.

The Teen Mom 2 stars are most likely not allowed to reveal whether or not their are filming for a sixth installment of the show, but it may be safe to assume that they are.

When Jenelle Evans was caught filming again, rumors started that the girls were just filming a catch up special, but no one will ever know until MTV announces the news themselves.

Would you watch a sixth season?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Courtland Rogers Contacts Jenelle Evans On Twitter, Says He Wants A Divorce

Jenelle Evans and her estranged husband Courtland Rogers have done a fairly good job of not contacting each other since he was released from prison. They seem to have remained civil, but Courtland finally caved and contacted Jenelle on Twitter asking for a divorce.

"I want a divorce," Courtland tweeted to Jenelle Evans in which she replied, "No s**t... Lol that was the plan the day we got arrested. Gotta wait until April buddy."

What's confusing is why Courtland would be asking Jenelle for a divorce. He, as well as mostly everybody else, knows that the former couple has a few more months until they can finalize the whole thing.

"That will b the best day of my life!!!" Courtland continued. "Can I go ahead an sign something now SWEETPEA smh."

"Ew, don't call me that," Jenelle replied to Courtland in disgust. "Stop trying to get attention."

In a way, it does seem like Courtland is begging for attention, but according to to him, that's all he gets and wants his life back to the way it was before he met Jenelle.

Perhaps he hasn't really fully moved on from his soon to be ex wife. Only time will tell come divorce time.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Leah And Corey Argue Over The Severity Of Ali’s Health Issues

After relentless testing and many emotional conversations surrounding the condition of their daughter, Ali, divorced couple Leah and Corey seemed to finally get the hard truth on last week’s “Teen Mom 2” episode. A medical expert told the exes that their little girl, who’s had difficulty with motor skills since infancy, likely has Ullrich disease, a form of congenital muscular dystrophy. Not one to take any type of tough news lying down, Leah immediately started plotting out an educational path that would give Ali the appropriate attention she needs, but in the sneak peek below, Corey insists Ali doesn’t need any special treatment.

“It’s not a cold, Corey,” Leah says as Corey continues to deny the severity of Ali’s health issues. “You can’t take an antibiotic and get over it in a week.” Corey insists that Ali’s “gonna be fine,” and says she can afford to wait until she’s four years old to enter a typical schooling environment like her twin sister, Aleeah. “I promise you, whenever [Ali] gets married, she will be walking down that aisle just like anyone else would,” Corey says, dismissing Leah’s concerns.

Should Leah keep pushing for a specialized program, or is Corey right to believe that Ali can handle traditional schooling? Watch the clip below, and tune in for the new episode Tuesday at 10/9c!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jenelle Evans Reveals New Diagnosis: "I Have Scoliosis"

Time to form a prayer circle, guys, because Jenelle Evans just revealed that she has yet another medical condition. No, her ovarian cysts aren't acting up again (thank goodness, they've already been through so much!), but even worse? Jenelle's pregnancy seems to have exacerbated her back issues, and girlfriend recently took it to Twitter to break the news that she has scoliosis.

"I have scoliosis a little bi[t] in my back sooo my back arches more than it should and it's kinda crooked," Jenelle explained to a fan.

Scoliosis is a congenital condition that makes the spine form an "S" or "C" shape, and can often be remedied with the persistent use of a back brace. However, seeing as though Jenelle only has "a little bit" of scoliosis, we're thinking she'll be fine — though the condition will become more obvious now that she's rocking a giant baby bump!

Unfortunately, Jenelle's scoliosis presented a few problems during her last pregnancy, so here's to hoping history won't repeat itself.

"They had to do my epidural with Jace 3 times before they got it right," Jenelle bemoaned.

Poor Jenelley! With any luck, girlfriend won't have any problems getting her epidural this time around, otherwise she's looking at going medication-free during labor and delivery. The horror!

Are you surprised that Jenelle has scoliosis? Sigh, we learn something new about this girl every day.

It's a Boy for Jenelle and Nathan

Jenelle Evans revealed the gender of her unborn baby in a new photo-shoot with Celeste Call Photography…. and it’s a boy! Congratulations Jenelle and Nathan! This photo is the cutest thing ever. I’m so glad to see Jace included in it! Jenelle is about 4 months along right now, she’s due in the middle of the summer. She looks happy and I wish her the best!