
Monday, February 3, 2014

Jenelle Evans Reveals New Diagnosis: "I Have Scoliosis"

Time to form a prayer circle, guys, because Jenelle Evans just revealed that she has yet another medical condition. No, her ovarian cysts aren't acting up again (thank goodness, they've already been through so much!), but even worse? Jenelle's pregnancy seems to have exacerbated her back issues, and girlfriend recently took it to Twitter to break the news that she has scoliosis.

"I have scoliosis a little bi[t] in my back sooo my back arches more than it should and it's kinda crooked," Jenelle explained to a fan.

Scoliosis is a congenital condition that makes the spine form an "S" or "C" shape, and can often be remedied with the persistent use of a back brace. However, seeing as though Jenelle only has "a little bit" of scoliosis, we're thinking she'll be fine — though the condition will become more obvious now that she's rocking a giant baby bump!

Unfortunately, Jenelle's scoliosis presented a few problems during her last pregnancy, so here's to hoping history won't repeat itself.

"They had to do my epidural with Jace 3 times before they got it right," Jenelle bemoaned.

Poor Jenelley! With any luck, girlfriend won't have any problems getting her epidural this time around, otherwise she's looking at going medication-free during labor and delivery. The horror!

Are you surprised that Jenelle has scoliosis? Sigh, we learn something new about this girl every day.

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