
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chelsea Houska Tweets About "Crazy" Move — Is She Leaving Sioux Falls?

Teen Mom 2's Chelsea Houska has had a pretty dramatic couple of weeks. Not only is she dealing with the fact that her baby daddy, Adam Lind, is in hospital after a near-fatal car wreck, she's in the middle of packing up her swag and moving house!

Last time we checked, Chelsea was living in a nice middle class neighborhood with her daughter, Aubree. These two seemed to love their pad, so we're not quite sure why they're packing up and moving. All we know is that Chelsea's dad is taking care of her furry friends until the move is over!

"Things have been crazy these last couple of weeks … I want my boring, drama free life back anytime now," Chelsea tweeted, adding (to her dad), "As soon as I get moved I will get my furry babies back. Thank u for taking them :)"

There could be a number of reasons why Chelsea is moving, but for those of you wondering if she's ditching Sioux Falls, the answer is most likely no. This girl has a solid friend group in her hometown, her entire family lives there, and she's been working up a storm as an esthetician. Not only that, but Chelsea wouldn't take Aubree away from her dad — especially so soon after his accident! More than likely, girlfriend just wants a bigger place for her growing family of pets, and now that she's a working woman she can definitely afford something more up-market!

Why do you think Chelsea's moving? Dish your theories below.

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