
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jenelle Evans Is Officially Divorced From Courtland Rogers!

Let June 10, 2014, go down in Teen Mom history as the day Jenelle Evans finally got her divorce from estranged husband Courtland Rogers finalized. That’s right; this pregnant Teen Mom starlet is officially divorced! The news was reported by Teen Mom Truth this morning, and Jenelle was quick to take to Twitter to confirm the news.

“ITS TRUE!!!!!!!” Jenelle shouted from the internets. She quickly added, “Thanks everyone for the positive vibes! I’m very happy and feel so free now!”
But it gets better, you guys! Teen Mom Truth also learned that the judge denied to “grant Courtland any money, alimony, property, or rights to any of Jenelle’s assets,” but he did agree to Jenelle’s name change request. So say hello to Jenelle Lauren Evans!

Both Jenelle and Courtland were expected to appear in court on June 10 to discuss the terms of their separation, but given Courtland’s arrest warrant for a failure to make an appearance at a separate court date, he was a no-show. We can’t say we’re surprised though — if Courtland showed up today, he would have been arrested on the spot.

The news of Jenelle and Courty’s divorce comes just over a month after Jenelle filed for a divorce after a year of being separated. These former lovebirds got married back in December of 2012, but after they both got arrested for heroin possession, their marriage fell apart. Thanks to North Carolina law, Jenelle and Courtland had to be separated for 12 months before they were allowed to get a divorce.

Jenelle is obviously excited about the news, and she should be! She can finally move on with her life, give birth to baby Kaiser (due June 29), and possibly marry her boyfriend of one year, Nathan Griffith. The question now is, when will Nathan pop the big question?

Are you happy for Jenelle? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Teen Mom Truth

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