
Monday, June 30, 2014

Teen Mom 2's Jenelle Evans Has Given Birth!

It’s another boy for Jenelle Evans! Jenelle and Nathan Griffith have welcomed a son, their first child together, according to Twitter.

Little Kaiser (we knew the baby’s name ever since Jenelle revealed the baby’s gender in February) was born on Monday, June 30th. The news was broken on Twitter by the proud new papa, Nathan Griffith, who tweeted this cute pic of his little guy’s feet and Jenelle’s arm. He and Jenelle were pretending to be at the beach all day, when really Jenelle was at the hospital in labor! Well played, guys.

Kaiser Griffith joins his half brother, Jace, and his half sister, Emery, Nathan’s daughter from a previous relationship. And Babs, too! Let’s not forget about Babs, who will hopefully remain as Kaiser’s grandmother and not his primary caretaker

Jenelle Evans confirmed her pregnancy back in December just before her 22nd birthday. She then revealed that it was a boy in February and celebrated her first baby shower in early June and her second baby shower just a week later. But throughout the whole nine months, Jenelle’s been keeping fans updated on her pregnancy via her very active Twitter and Instagram accounts with pics like this:

Monday, June 16, 2014

Babies! Babs! Binge-Drinking?! Watch The Trailer For The Second Half of Teen Mom 2 Season 5!

It’s been speculated for months (until Kailyn Lowry accidentally confirmed it to us last month) that Teen Mom 2 was coming back, and now we can officially confirm that yes, it is indeed true! Season 5B, as MTV is calling it, returns on July 16 and can we just say that this might be the most dramatic season we’ve seen yet?

Watch the trailer below to get a glimpse of what’s to come on this season, but if you can’t wait that long, we’ll tell you what to expect. Chelsea Houska will be dealing with Adam’s new DUI and how that affects his parenting duties with Aubree, while Leah and Jeremy Calvert adjust to Ali having a wheelchair—and they clearly go through a few rough patches of their own.

Meanwhile, we’ll get to see Jenelle Evans as she finds out the gender of baby number two and preps for motherhood again, and how Babs (and a potentially binge-drinking Nathan?) come into play. Last but not least there’s Kailyn Lowry, who seems to have her hands full with a husband and two little boys. And oh, is that her mother we see?!

Get More: MTV Shows

Source: OK Magazine

Jenelle Evans’ Son Just Celebrated A Very Special Milestone

Cue the “Pomp and Circumstance,” because we have a newly minted graduate to applaud: Jenelle Evans‘ son Jace!

The “Teen Mom 2” cast member’s four-year-old celebrated his pre-school completion in a ceremony on Friday, and naturally, his proud mom documented the memorable milestone with a handful of photographs on Facebook. We can’t help but marvel at Jace’s growth — it seems like only yesterday he was a newborn, and now he’s collecting a diploma. We are officially verklempt.

Jace couldn’t look any happier — or cuter — in his bright blue cap and gown. The man of the hour posed with his grinning mama (who is due to give birth to another boy at the end of this month) and beaming grandma Barbara. Jenelle also captured a candid moment of her boyfriend Nathan Griffith sharing a bear hug with Jace. Although we can’t see the youngster’s expression, Nathan’s face sure says it all: LOVE.

“Time for the big kid school now!” Jenelle wrote along with the heartwarming snapshots. And we’re certain Jace will take his new class by storm!

Before Kindergarten in the fall, Jace will be busy with summer vacation, which no doubt will include beach trips and visits to the pool. And then there’s also that new role he’ll be playing: big brother to Baby Kaiser.

Source: MTV

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jenelle Evans Is Officially Divorced From Courtland Rogers!

Let June 10, 2014, go down in Teen Mom history as the day Jenelle Evans finally got her divorce from estranged husband Courtland Rogers finalized. That’s right; this pregnant Teen Mom starlet is officially divorced! The news was reported by Teen Mom Truth this morning, and Jenelle was quick to take to Twitter to confirm the news.

“ITS TRUE!!!!!!!” Jenelle shouted from the internets. She quickly added, “Thanks everyone for the positive vibes! I’m very happy and feel so free now!”
But it gets better, you guys! Teen Mom Truth also learned that the judge denied to “grant Courtland any money, alimony, property, or rights to any of Jenelle’s assets,” but he did agree to Jenelle’s name change request. So say hello to Jenelle Lauren Evans!

Both Jenelle and Courtland were expected to appear in court on June 10 to discuss the terms of their separation, but given Courtland’s arrest warrant for a failure to make an appearance at a separate court date, he was a no-show. We can’t say we’re surprised though — if Courtland showed up today, he would have been arrested on the spot.

The news of Jenelle and Courty’s divorce comes just over a month after Jenelle filed for a divorce after a year of being separated. These former lovebirds got married back in December of 2012, but after they both got arrested for heroin possession, their marriage fell apart. Thanks to North Carolina law, Jenelle and Courtland had to be separated for 12 months before they were allowed to get a divorce.

Jenelle is obviously excited about the news, and she should be! She can finally move on with her life, give birth to baby Kaiser (due June 29), and possibly marry her boyfriend of one year, Nathan Griffith. The question now is, when will Nathan pop the big question?

Are you happy for Jenelle? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Teen Mom Truth

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Teen Dad Special

MTV was actually filming a Teen Dad Special.  At the time, everyone assumed filming was for a new season of the original Teen Mom cast, but we exclusively broke the news that it was actually a Teen Dad Special.
We finally have an air date!  This Sunday, June 8, 2014, “Being Teen Dad’s” will air on MTV!  A description for the show says, “Jo and Vee consider marriage, Corey works on co-parenting with Leah while having a wife, Ryan is ready to move out on his own.”
Like we told you just last month, Corey and Leah have been dealing with a strain in their co-parenting relationship due to Corey’s wife, Miranda being jealous of Leah.  We are being told some of that will be touched on during the “Being Teen Dad’s” special.
Are you going to watch “Being Teen Dad’s”?  Check back with us for a complete recap!

Corey On the Right
Jo on the Left