
Monday, March 31, 2014

Leah shares news on her daughter’s health

On February 26th, a source had reported that Ali, the daughter to ‘Teen Mom 2’ stars Leah Calvert and Corey Simms, is apparently doing really well for being stuck in a wheelchair for 6 months prior but seems this little tot is running and doing better than ever. Leah told the source that, “Ali is running. She has so much determination. We’re in awe of how she handles adversity.”

However, on the episode’s “Teen Mom 2” they had diagnosed Ali with a rare and incurable form of muscular dystrophy but that doesn't seem to be stopping her. Which who could blame this little angel? We mean she does have her whole life ahead of her!!But Leah went on record saying, “She’s doing so much better than expected. We don’t know what the future holds, but this is proof that we should never give up hope.

For those of you who didn't know Ali’s middle name is Hope. It’s simply fitting for this miracle toddler.Leah has been receiving tons of support from fans, “One girl who reached out to me also suffers from muscular dystrophy. It made my hope for Ali so much more realistic.”

 Honestly who can say they have raised one child with some sort of health issue, but to handle 3 kids and one with a health issue has got to be extremely tough. Our only hopes for little Ali is that she keeps getting better instead of back tracking.

1 comment:

  1. Leah keep strong. I was a teen Mom back in 1994. When my son Anthony was born he was strong and healthy. At 13 years old I started noticing a difference in Anthony. He wasn't as strong as other boys his age. At 15 years old he was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy. I was in shock and disbelief. Now Anthony is almost 20 and I struggle everyday like yourself with why why why my kid. Anthony's condition is progressive and in time may end up in a wheelchair. This year we did the Muscular Dystrophy Association Walk it was great. I am so sorry Ali and tour family has to go through this but remember God only gives hard situations to the strongest people. Hope you join the MDA walk in your area to raise money for research and maybe someday our children may nit have to live with muscular dystrophy. Keep being the great parents you are to Ali. Btw Hope is the MDA motto. God Bless much love. Melanie from NYC
