
Friday, March 21, 2014

Leah Messer Talks About Her Marriage to Jeremy Calvert Episode 3/18/14

If you've been watching season 5 of Teen Mom 2, you know that Leah Messer Calvert has been going through some stuff. There's all the medical stuff with Ali, who we just learned has muscular dystrophy, but also her marriage seems to be breaking down.

On this week's episode, she revealed that she wants to go to couples counseling with Jeremy because she feels like he doesn't communicate well. She took some heat on the social networks for not appreciating his job enough, even though it takes him away from home for weeks at a time.

Leah used Twitter to explain that it's not the job that bothers her, because she knew what she signed up for. Jeremy works as a pipeliner, and she knew that he'd be out-of-state on various jobs much of the time.

The real problem Leah has is that Jeremy won't even call when he's gone

Come on, Jeremy! I know your job is tough -- for reals. But so is Leah's. Could you please just pick up the phone once a day and tell the woman she's pretty and you love her?

How long have you gone without talking to your husband?

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