
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Did Jenelle Evans LIE about drinking while pregnant?!

 Well, the short answer is a big fat NO!  Jenelle Evans is probably the most scrutinized Teen Mom to date.  Her every move is watched and judged on social media, television, and in real life.  Recently, a report came out that Jenelle lied about when she found out about her pregnancy, and whether or not she intentionally drank knowing she was pregnant.  Jenelle visited a club in Philadelphia on October 18th, 2013.  Jenelle went to this club having no idea she was pregnant!  In fact, a close friend of Jenelle's tells us that Jenelle absolutely had no idea, and would have never gone to Philadelphia had she known she was pregnant.  She would have canceled just like she did with her event that was scheduled at UNCC for a speaking engagement.  If you look back through Jenelle's tweets, she clearly stated she was canceling her speaking engagement at UNCC for "physical problems".  She would have done the same with her Philadelphia appearance.  By the date of her boyfriend Nathan's fight on October 26, 2013, Jenelle DID know she was pregnant.  Several people who were with Jenelle at Nathans fight, stated that Jenelle drank water the entire time.  Jenelle's friends who attended the fight, all shared drinks together, while Jenelle sipped on water throughout the night, according to Nathans mom. 
The scene people are referring to when they say Jenelle knew she was pregnant BEFORE the Philly trip, is one where Jenelle and Tori are hanging out and looking at a pregnancy test.  What I CAN tell you, is that when you see the episode, all will make sense!  That scene, and that test had to do with Jenelle's abortion.   NOT with this pregnancy.
The moral of the story is; don't believe all the editing you see! Don't jump to conclusions until you know the full story!   Make sure to tune in to Teen Mom 2 when it starts in a few weeks!  

Source: Click Here

Momma Jenelle Postes Belly Bump

Jenelle has posted some pictures of her belly and we have exclusive pics to give you your first glance at Jenelle's cute little baby bump.  These were taken not long ago and it gives you an idea of how fast this little one is growing.  Can't wait to see more pics Jenelle!  You look absolutely beautiful! We are so happy to hear that she has find the right man and Jace loves him as a great dad..... To be someday....

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jenelle Evans Explains Nathan and Barbara's Fight in Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Trailer

Have you checked out the OMG-inducing preview for MTV's upcoming fifth season of Teen Mom 2? It looks flawless and perfect per usual, mostly thanks to Jenelle Evans and her never-ending parade of boyfriends. Jenelle got hitched to the one and only Courtland Rogers between Season 4 and Season 5, but it looks like Teen Mom 2 will skip over this drama-filled time in her life and focus solely on her relationship with MMA fighter Nathan Griffith, who she's been dating for the past six months.

Jenelle and Nathan are a match made in heaven, and Jenelle constantly tweets about how well he gets along with her mom, Barbara Evans, and her 4-year-old son, Jace. It seems like Nathan is a great influence in Jenelley's life, so you can imagine our surprise when he and Babs were shown arguing in the preview for Season 5!

In said preview, Nathan accuses Barbara of allowing Jenelle to get hooked on heroin, to which Babs muses, "F— you, I didn't put a needle in her arm!"

In the words of Fergie Ferg, where is the love? Fans were definitely confused by Barbara and Nathan's blowout fight, but fear not! Jenelle took it to Twitter to clear things up, explaining, "My mom just thought he was too good to be true at first, started arguing."

Wait, Barbara was so impressed by Nathan that she picked an argument with him, and then he accused her of playing a part in Jenelle's addiction? Sounds about right … by which we mean completely weird.

Either way, we can't wait for Jenelle and Nathan's relationship to be highlighted this coming season. Tune in on Tuesday, January 21 to see it all go down!

Kailyn Lowry Takes Attachment Parenting to the Extreme

Every mom experiences motherhood differently. But for some moms, those first couple of months with a newborn baby can feel like an ooey, gooey crush. All those hormones come crashing into your system and you feel like you cannot possibly get enough of your little one. That certainly seems like how Teen Mom's Kailyn Lowry feels about her new baby, Lincoln. Via Twitter today Kailyn confessed she can't bear to put Lincoln down after he falls asleep on her chest -- even though she's exhausted.

We know she probably could use a rest! But sometimes it's hard -- you know that newborn phase is only going to last a couple of months. It goes by so quickly. Sometimes you just want to soak it all up while you can. Kailyn can sleep later. Haha, actually, with two little ones now, I'm guessing she'll sleep again sometime in the year 2018. But she's probably up for that.

Seriously, though, I know just what she means about a baby falling asleep on your chest. That means you can smell those sweet baby smells, and feel that little body snoozing. It's about the coziest, most intoxicating thing out there. Swoon.

I also loved what she said about spoiling babies. "You can 'spoil' a baby before 4 months so soak it in while you can." I don't know about the arbitrary four-month mark, but I completely agree about spoiling babies. You don't need to teach a baby to self-soothe or be independent. It's all about bonding the best way you can.

Were you ever reluctant to put down your sleeping baby -- or were you eager to get something done or get some sleep yourself?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Leah and Jeremy No Divorce

We've been clutching our pearls ever since Teen Mom 2 Season 5's trailer hit MTV a few days ago. So. Much. Drama. Not only did the preview reveal that Jenelle Evans had a secret abortion, we found out that Chelsea Houska's still hung up on Adam ("Shocker!" said no one), that Kailyn Lowry and Jo Rivera got into another custody dispute, and that — wait for it — Leah Messer and her husband, Jeremy Calvert, almost got divorced!

Leah and Jeremy tied the knot in a down-to-earth courthouse ceremony on April 4, 2012 (they also had a formal wedding on June 11, 2012), which means they've barely been married for two years. You can imagine our shock when these two were seeing arguing about money during Teen Mom 2's preview, and you can imagine our horror when Leah was heard saying "he's going to file for divorce tomorrow!"

Suffering from heart palpitations? Join the club, but here's the good news. Jeremy most definitely didn't follow through with his sinister plans to divorce Leah — in fact, these two ended up having a baby together. Despite the fact that Jeremy had to leave his family for a work gig in Roswell, New Mexico, the whole crew are currently living happily ever after in West Virginia. And we have the tweets to prove it!

Shortly after Teen Mom 2's drama-filled new preview aired, Leah took it to Twitter to gush about her husband. " [Jeremy] and I are off to see Christmas lights with 5 wired kids," she tweeted on December 17. "Listening to kids Christmas favorites."

Leah also mentioned spending quality time with Jeremy a few days later, tweeting "Babies are sleeping, clean house, and now it's time to relax with my husband and family!"

There you have it! Leah and Jeremy are still very much in love — and thank goodness they got over the hump and can go back to doing what they do best: talking in accents so thick that MTV has to subtitle them.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jenelle Evans Gives a Pregnancy Update

While Teen Mom 2’s expectant mother, Jenelle Evans, might be struggling with her own domestic disturbance and “breach of peace” issues these days, her growing baby is resting calmly in its mother’s belly. The reality star took a trip to the doctor’s on Tuesday (December 17) to have her future daughter or son checked out (she’s yet to reveal the sex), and we’re glad to report that all is well!

“Update.. Doctors app yesterday. Baby is healthy and just bakin in there! He/she is starting to kick!!!!” she tweeted. This is a relief, considering all of the trauma that the unborn child and mother have been subjected to recently. Maybe the baby can give Jenelle a swift kick every time she gets close to trouble!

We are still concerned for the baby’s mama, however, as her recent arrest puts her in danger of heading back to jail for violating her probation. Being pregnant in prison won’t be good for mother or baby, and we’re hoping that her hard-working lawyer can work something out.

As for Jenelle and her boyfriend Nathan Griffith, we hope they too can work out their issues. According to a source, the twosome were fighting because Jenelle "she doesn’t think [Nathan] appreciates her enough." Whatever the cause of the dispute, the soon-to-be-parents need to settle this before their child comes into this world.

Are you happy to hear that Jenelle’s baby is doing well? Share with us below in the comments.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Teen Mom 2 Season 5 Trailer

It's official! MTV has confirmed the return of Teen Mom 2! Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, and Leah Calvert are all getting what the original Teen Mom stars didn't -- a season 5!

And along with their confirmation to The Stir that this is really happening, MTV has let us in on the biggest secret of all: what we're going to see on the highly anticipated season! We're talking about the official Teen Mom 2 trailer that shows off just when the cameras were hanging around the girls and what we can expect to see on television. Do you want to see it?

Of course you do! But get ready ... there are some HUGE shockers in there:

Holy. Moly!

Did Jenelle just say she was getting an abortion?! And did we hear Leah Calvert's little girl, Ali, may never be OK?! If they could pack that much drama into two minutes, can you imagine what this season is going to be like? Between Kailyn's wedding and Chelsea's baby daddy drama ... and of course Leah and Jeremy imploding and Jenelle being Jenelle, this could be the most explosive season of Teen Mom yet! And according to MTV, it's coming back to us on January 21 (that's a Tuesday ... no more Mondays are a Mother!).

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jenelle Evans Confirms Pregnancy

Ahhh! Yesterday there were loads of rumblings that Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans may be pregnant with baby #2, and it's now official: Jenelle Evans has confirmed she's pregnant! Already mom to 4-year-old Jace, Evans spoke exclusively with MTV, saying that she's expecting with boyfriend Nathan Griffith and they are super excited.

For those of you following along at home, Griffith and Evans met back in June on a dating app (oh, how romantic) and he has a 2-year-old daughter of his own named Emery from a previous relationship.

The kicker, though? The duo has been trying to have a baby together since early on in their relationship. As in, they knew soon after they met that they wanted to have a baby.

I mean ... that's definitely not the kind of woman I am. Having a baby isn't like deciding to have sushi for dinner at night instead of pizza. It's not just like deciding that you WANT to be in a relationship. Having a baby is a major life decision that stays with you forever and changes everything. As a mom, there's really no more alone time; someone always comes before you (or they should). The thought that two people could know right off the bat, soon after meeting each other, that they want to share that major life responsibility together? Well, that's a big deal. A really big deal.

However, Jenelle and Nathan both had kids before they met each other. They both know what it's like to be a parent (note: neither has guardianship over their kiddos, their parents do). Maybe this time around, they want to do things better, they want to do things right, and that's how they knew they wanted to take on being parents together. Maybe it's that passion that makes them believe this time WILL be different.

Congrats to Jenelle and Nathan on the fabulous news, I really do pray it's different. Here's hoping that she does mean it when she says "she's changed."

Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name.

A little sappy happy news on the Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry has officially taken husband Javi Marroquin's last name. Well, on Twitter anyway. Yup, the Teen Mom 2 star has changed her Twitter handle to Kailyn Lowry-Marroquin.

Granted, Kailyn may have actually taken Javi's name a year ago legally when the two got married. Regardless, it's not always an easy decision for a lady to make the switch.

It's a choice that some people believe isn't really a choice at all. When you tie the knot with someone, it used to just be assumed that the lady would take her husband's last name. But these days? It feels like more and more women are sticking to the name they've always known. The name that stuck with them through elementary school all the way through college. The name that's been passed down through generations of family members.

I understand why for some, it's not an inevitable, easy choice. It's about identity. If a woman takes her husband's last name, perhaps she feels like she's losing a part of herself. The way I see it, though, it's as if when two people get married -- they come together as one loving unit. Although I'm nowhere near marriage, I know that I'll take my husband's name. To me, that feels like part of the deal. When the time is right and I believe in our love, I'll want to do that for him. At least that's what I think.

But, then again, I won't really know until the time to make the decision comes. Kudos to Kailyn, Javi, and their adorable growing family.

Do you think a woman should take her husband's last name?