
Monday, July 29, 2013

Jenelle Evans Seeking Plea Deal to Avoid Jail Time For Drug Charges

Our girl Jenelle Evans is serious about cleaning up her act, but it hasn’t been easy. Despite an emergency appendectomy just a few days prior, she appeared in court on July 25 with her no-nonsense lawyer, Dustin Sullivan, and her hot new boyfriend, Nathan Griffith. On July 24, her estranged hubby Courtland Rogers reportedly pleaded guilty to charges of simple assault and heroin possession (stemming back to the couple’s April 23 arrest), with the rest of his ten charges dropped as a result. Jenelle was naturally peeved that Courty B got off so easy, but took the opportunity to assert her innocence in the heroin debacle. Jenelle claims that none of the 12 bindles of heroin found in the couple’s possession were hers. Girl just got herself mixed up with a bad dude … and married him. It was a simple mistake.

On that particular court date, Jenelle was facing two misdemeanor charges for cyberstalking and simple assault and, naturally, legal superstar Dustin got her off scot-free.

"The cyberstalking was dismissed," Dustin confirmed exclusively to Wetpaint Entertainment last week. "The simple assault case was continued to August 12, 2013 which is the same day as her drug charges."

Jenelle has spoken repeatedly of her airtight defense against the drug charges for her upcoming court date, pinning all of the blame on Courty, but we didn’t expect to hear any news until the court date in two weeks. Now, Rumorfix has confirmed that Dusty Dreamboat is working on a plea deal for the upcoming charges. Swoon … our hero!

Miraculously, the Legal Eagle’s plea deal doesn’t include any jail time, instead focusing on probation.

“We are not pleading to anything that involves and [sic] active sentence attached to it,” Dustin told Rumorfix. Given Jenelley’s long list of past charges, it will be pretty difficult for her to get off without any time in the clink, but if anyone can do it, it’s Dusty. If we had a bag of Cheetos for every time that dude has kept Jenelle out of the slammer...

Do you think Jenelle will have to do some jail time? Tell us your thoughts below!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jenelle Evans Posts Graphic Pictures of Surgery Wounds

Jenelle Evans gave fans quite a scare when she was rushed to the hospital to undergo an emergency appendectomy. Jenelle was given clearance to leave the hospital and return home where she’s been nursing her wounds … and taking pictures of them.

“Took off my bandage wounds! 😬😬😬😬 VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!” Jenelle captioned a photo showing her three incisions stitched up.

Unfortunately, Jenelle’s surgeon had to operate along the Teen Mom 2 star’s star-shaped tattoo, however, the doc seemed to do a good job aligning her stitches with her tattoos to reduce disfigurement to her ink.

“@lakeaspen1987 hahaha I kno me @Vkillemm and @GroundLevelUp noticed that too,” Jenelle tweeted to a fan who noticed the camouflaged closures.

We have to say we’re pretty proud of Jenelle handling this latest health scare like a trooper. As a matter of fact, Jenelle’s lawyer Dustin Sullivan told E! News that the reality TV star was in “a good place right now” and the little lady is set to make a court appearance tomorrow (July 25) for two separate misdemeanor charges.

Here’s to hoping Jenelley has a speedy recovery!

Source: Jenelle Twitter

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chelsea Houska and Aubree Prepare New Hair Accessories For Online Store

If you haven’t checked out Chelsea Houska’s killer new site,, we’re not exactly sure about your life plan. Homegirl has been bringing us the latest in stylin’ accessories and now she’s adding even more product to the page.

“Miss Aubree is helping me approve hair products for you guys are gonna love them! So excited,” Chelsea posted with a precious Instagram photo.

The Teen Mom 2 star’s fashion-forward daughter Aubree has had an active role in her site, and is working hand-in-hand with her mom to create the best looks.

In fact, Aubree’s set to have her own section on the site called “Aubree’s Cubby,” which will feature clothes and accessories for little girls.

We can’t wait to see what sort of trendy hair products Chels will post on the page. What about you? Have you bought any products from Chelsea’s Choices? Tell us below!

Leah Messer Asks God For Answers — Is There Cause For Concern?

Leah Messer lives a charmed life as Teen Mom 2's resident West Virginia Mountain Mama, but she and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, struggle daily with their daughter Aliannah's ongoing health problems. Ali suffers from a mysterious developmental disorder that has yet to be revealed to MTV's audiences (hopefully we'll find out more during Teen Mom 2 Season 5), and it looks like Leah and Corey just got some bad news.

The once-happy couple were spotted filming at a hospital with Ali, which isn't cause for alarm in itself. After all, Ali has frequent doctor's appointments and therapy sessions! However, a recent tweet from Leah definitely has us on edge.

"Angry is how I feel..." Leah tweeted on July 17. "No explanation. I hope this is your will god and someday you can give me an explanation. #NoWords."

Though Leah didn't confirm that she's referring to Ali's health in her tweet, her mom's response made direct reference to this little lady.

"Sis I wish I had the answer for you all we can do is be there," Momma Dawn tweeted. "I love you baby. I would give my live to make Ali 100%."

Leah's tweet is definitely alarming, and it's hard to gauge whether Ali's suffering a developmental setback, or whether something far more serious is going on. Check back in with Wetpaint Entertainment for more updates, and keep Leah and Ali in your thoughts.

Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert Are Selling Their Brand New Home!

Teen Mom 2's Leah Messer is gearing up for some major life changes! This gal's had a super emotional week thanks to receiving bad news about her daughter, Aliannah Simms's health and to make matters worse she has to sell her home. We know, it's like how much more can this poor mountain mama take?!

Leah and her husband, Jeremy Calvert, bought their first home together not too long ago, however they had no choice but to put the West Virginian crib on the market.

"After purchasing our first home together and now moving for the reasons we are is hard to adjust to, but I know it is best for our family," Leah tweeted on July 20.

Way to be cryptic, girlfriend. As far as we're concerned, there are a few possibilities as to why Leah and Jeremy are moving. It's no secret that this gal is opening her own tanning salon, so it's possible that she's relocating to be closer to the new business. However, given the timing of this news (and the melancholy nature of Leah's tweet!), it seems more likely that she and Jeremy are packing up their swag due to Ali's latest health scare. Perhaps they're moving closer to this little lady's team of doctors so she can have around-the-clock medical care?

Either way, the timing isn't great for the Calvert family — they already have a lot on their plate, and Leah's still recovering from the recent loss of her grandfather!

Souce: Wetpaint

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Leah Messer Asks God For Answers — Is There Cause For Concern?

Leah Messer lives a charmed life as Teen Mom 2's resident West Virginia Mountain Mama, but she and her ex-husband, Corey Simms, struggle daily with their daughter Aliannah's ongoing health problems. Ali suffers from a mysterious developmental disorder that has yet to be revealed to MTV's audiences (hopefully we'll find out more during Teen Mom 2 Season 5), and it looks like Leah and Corey just got some bad news.

The once-happy couple were spotted filming at a hospital with Ali, which isn't cause for alarm in itself. After all, Ali has frequent doctor's appointments and therapy sessions! However, a recent tweet from Leah definitely has us on edge.

"Angry is how I feel..." Leah tweeted on July 17. "No explanation. I hope this is your will god and someday you can give me an explanation. #NoWords."

Though Leah didn't confirm that she's referring to Ali's health in her tweet, her mom's response made direct reference to this little lady.

"Sis I wish I had the answer for you all we can do is be there," Momma Dawn tweeted. "I love you baby. I would give my live to make Ali 100%."

Leah's tweet is definitely alarming, and it's hard to gauge whether Ali's suffering a developmental setback, or whether something far more serious is going on. Check back in with Wetpaint Entertainment for more updates, and keep Leah and Ali in your thoughts.

Source: Wetpaint

Monday, July 1, 2013

7 Signs 'Teen Mom 2' Season 5 Is Coming Soon

HUGE news from Jenelle Evans! Remember how she bought a house with Nathan Griffith, the guy she's been dating for all of a month now? Well, JK, looks like she didn't actually buy it! Jenelle backed out of the housing purchase, and the reason is one that ought to make Teen Mom 2 fans a little giddy!

Turns out the homeowners' association at the new place wouldn't let cameras film there. You know what that means? Jenelle is house hunting again!

Oh right ... and now we've got further confirmation that Teen Mom 2 is coming back!

Can we just say it's a done deal now? Just look at all this evidence that Jenelle, Kail, Leah, and Chelsea are coming back to a TV screen near you:

1. Leah Messer Calvert's husband, Jeremy Calvert, tweeted a complaint about treatment at a furniture store and let it slip that MTV would be in to film.

2. Photos of Chelsea Houska surfaced on Twitter with a professional camerawoman behind her clear as day!

3. Kailyn Lowry's favorite tattoo parlor, Sick Ink, tweeted a photo of MTV cameras in their studios the day after Kail and husband Javi Marroquin both tweeted about spending a day there and Javi showed off a photo of his tat.

4. Jenelle announced she's clean and sober. Not necessarily an indication the show is coming back, but the rumors related to the show's cancellation were linked to her bad behavior. If Jenelle is keeping clean, the chances Teen Mom 2 will land back on TV are much greater.

5. Jenelle admitted in late May that she's still working for MTV, asking fans "Is TM2 really over?"

6. Producer Morgan Freeman announced in April that rumors of the cancellation were off base. He said nothing had been decided yet ... and no one at MTV came out to dispute him.

7. Jenelle's backing out of a housing deal might not sound like much, but consider this: if she were "just" going to film a reunion special, MTV could easily shoot at her mom's house or fly her to New York City. They'd only need access to her house if filming were going to be frequent.

With this much evidence, it's hard to see anything but a fifth season for Teen Mom 2, don't you think?

Souce: CafaMom