
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jenelle Evans Is Committed By Her Mom For Drug Addiction!

Watching Jenelle Evans battle with drug addiction is even more tragic than the fact that we just consumed two giant meat lovers' pizzas. This gal has been trying so hard to get her life on track, but now that she's back with the hunky swamp creature known as Kieffer Delp, things have gone majorly downhill.

Jenelle's taken to using "dope" (which we have a feeling isn't code for Alfredo sauce), and as you might expect everyone is super worried. We're worried, the feral alligators are worried, and Jenelle's mom, Barbara Evans, is basically through the roof.

This Bostonian beauty is convinced that her darling daughter is "high-high-high" on heroin after walking in on her passed out next to a syringe, and decides it's time for an intervention. Barbara has Jenelle involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital thanks to the fact that she's a danger to herself, and the sheriff immediately takes her in for evaluation.

Jenelle gets released after a brief three hour stint in the psych ward, and as you might expect she denies doing anything wrong. Meanwhile, Kieffer decides to take Barbara and her boyfriend, Mike, to court for "breaking and entering" (aka trying to save Jenelle from a heroin overdose) to which we say "LOL."

Note to Kieffer: heroin possession is way more illegal than stealing someone's heroin paraphernalia in the hopes of saving their life. Also, you are not on Jenelle's lease, buddy.

Source: Wetpaint (Last Night Show 4/29/13)

1 comment:

  1. OMG I cried so hard I felt like mom did the right thing and still nothing comes out. Someday she will see what she lost and may be still losing....
