
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hard Knocks

Chelsea celebrates Aubree's third birthday, Kailyn begins co-parenting therapy with Jo, Leah brings Ali to a neuromuscular specialist, and Jenelle receives an eviction notice.

This weeks download are form the week of 4/23/13


  1. Watching this I think Javi has it why not show it in the past 6 months and now show it. You could handle it before why can't you do it now. What do you think about what I just said this subject is about Kailye and Javi.

  2. I really don't know if you guys see this or not but My thoughts on Jenelle.
    She is doing the best she can do to get her life straight. I don't believe she dose the weed all the time now. It may be okay to do once in a while but not alot at one time. Space it out and you can feel good. I know she is trying.

    What do you think about this

  3. Amanda, do tell me where you believe that low life Jeneella is trying? Is she trying when Keiffer gets her smack? Is she trying to find a job to help herself out? no...I dont think so. She is a drug addict with no goals, motivation, values or even drive. I get that addiction is a disease, but she has received help in the past but is too stupid, immature, and lazy to stick with it and help herself. Her son doesnt even exist to her, in her world its just "jenelle and drugs".

  4. Hi Erica,

    I was talking about the first part of the show where she was getting all her bills paid and then work on the new place. Yes I think going back with Keiffer is the bad idea and should of never happen. I do agree with you on the last part of the show where she was wanting drugs. Yes she would need to be clean for 2 years before she gets jace back I agree she has to show she is in a better place. With reports of what happen this past week still shows she isn't ready to step up to the plate. I really don't know she needs to stop acting up... I AGREE WITH YOU 100%
