
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Leah Calvert reveals why she really quit school

Posted: Jan 22, 2013

Leah Calvert with her husband
A new episode of “Teen Mom 2” aired Monday night and it was revealed that Leah Calvert had made the decision to drop out of college. After facing some criticism, Leah revealed on January 21 why she chose to quit school.
On the show, Leah said that she felt that she wasn’t devoting enough time to Ali. One ignorant fan said “how much time can it take to tend to Ali?” and went on to slam the “Teen Mom” for choosing to spend time with her daughters rather than pursue a degree. Leah revealed just how hard it was saying:
I had to go full time all day because It was a requirement where I did not pass the entrance exam. Therefore I was taking classes for morning until late in the evening.
Most fans are aware that Ali was born with some developmental issues which require her to undergo physical therapy. Of course, that means Leah Calvert needs to pay a little more attention to her to ensure that Ali is getting the medical help that she needs. If she would have stayed in school full time, she likely wouldn’t have had the time to ensure Ali gets the best care and keep up her studies. She would have ended up having to miss classes to take Ali to doctor’s appointments and would have had trouble keeping her grades up.
Dropping out of college was actually the best decision Leah Calvert could have made. It shows that she put her daughter’s well-being first and that is what is most important.
Of course, Leah knows that an education is important and says that a degree “can and will be done.” However, now isn’t the right time for that and Leah knows that. Jeremy Calvert supports his wife and family while Leah is able to stay at home with the girls. What is wrong with Leah being a stay at home mom while the girls are young? She will have time to go to school in the future.

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